By Eugene Antifa and Willamette Valley Hate Watch
Over the past year, the Proud Boys, an ultra-nationalist fascist street gang, have grown to be a household name, in large part due to their well documented involvement in the January 6th riot at the US Capitol. Law enforcement finally began to take action against some prominent members of the Proud Boys, despite spending the last four years enabling Proud Boy street violence up and down the West Coast. In February, Canada added the Proud Boys to a list of “terrorist entities”. Numerous articles have come detailing the legal and financial problems plaguing high-ranking members of the Proud Boys, but little attention has been given to their continued violence and growth here in Oregon. In the last few months, Proud Boys, in conjunction with pro-police groups, have been hosting weekly flag wave events in Oregon City and other surrounding cities, drumming up support from suburban conservatives, with a promise to return to Portland. Although much of the Proud Boy violence has been centered around Salem and Portland, in the last few weeks a new chapter of the Proud Boys has emerged in the Eugene-Springfield area, called the “McKenzie River Proud Boys.”
In spite of legal blow-back for the January 6th riot, Proud Boys in Oregon have grown increasingly active and violent. The Proud Boys are gaining new members, many of whom are well-seasoned street fighters that have participated in pro-police, anti-Black protests over the last 18 months. Shirts for the Portland chapter of the Proud Boys feature a Thor’s Hammer in the design, a well known Norse symbol used by neo-Nazis and white supremacists. While dozens of Proud Boys were fighting police to gain access to the US Capitol on January 6th, in Salem, Oregon, they were attacking antifascists alongside notorious neo-Nazi murderer Kyle Brewster. The Proud Boys in Oregon are operating as a rouge white power street gang, seeking out confrontations with anybody opposed to their ultra-nationalist, anti-Black, homophobic ideology.
Notorious neo-Nazi murderer Kyle Brewster (with American flag around neck) faces off against anti-fascist activists on January 6, 2021 in Salem, Oregon. Brewster also attended a major Proud Boy rally in Portland on September 26, 2020.
Left: “Aaron” wears a Proud Boy shirt with “PB” integrated into a Thor’s Hammer. Image from June 18 in Oregon City, OR. Right: A Proud Boy gives a Sieg Heil on May 21 in Oregon City, OR.
Meet the McKenzie River Proud Boys
The “McKenzie River Proud Boys” are a new chapter of the street gang operating in the Eugene and Springfield area. Although there have been numerous Proud Boys from the area over the last four years, the formation of a chapter in Eugene suggests that the Proud Boys are hoping to become more active and recruit from the preexisting far-right protest scene. In the lead up to the Fourth of July, many Proud Boy chapters across the so-called United States dropped poorly painted, hardly legible banners on major highways with messages like “Free our Boys” (referring to the handful of Proud Boys facing charges from the January 6th Capitol siege). According to Facebook posts, the “McKenzie River Proud Boys” chapter was responsible for some of the banners. On the 4th of July, Jeffrey Keith Mustin and other members of the “McKenzie River Proud Boys” took part in an unpermitted parade through the streets of Creswell, OR. Cory Fredrickson, a fascist from Stayton, OR who attempted to run over protesters in Salem, posts about Proud Boy banners over I5. Saundra Rene Alma AKA “Alma Renee” claims that the banners were put up by “the MR (McKenzie River) chapter out of Eugene.”
The logo for the “McKenzie River Proud Boys” chapter, as worn by Jeffrey Mustin in the Creswell, OR 4th of July parade.
Jeffrey Keith Mustin
The McKenzie River Proud Boys AKA the “MR” chapter appear to be led by Jeffrey Keith Mustin (DOB 1/6/1983) of Eugene, OR. He previously lived in Oklahoma, but moved to Oregon and currently lives just off of River Road in North Eugene. In 2015, Jeffrey Mustin was charged with two counts of Telephonic Harassment, a class B misdemeanor, for sending harassing text messages to his ex-wife. He was convicted and spent ten days in a Lane county jail. Jeffrey and his wife, Shawnna Kateri Mustin, owned a plumbing company called “Alpha Plumbing & Rooter Service LLC.,” but the company appears to be inactive. Before joining the Proud Boys, Jeffrey Mustin attacked counter-protesters at a handful of far-right rallies in Portland and Salem.
Jeffrey Keith Mustin wears a shirt for his wife’s plumbing company, “Alpha Plumbing & Rooter Service” (right).
Legal documents from Jeffrey Mustin’s 2015 arrest for telephonic harassment.
Travis Michael Erickson
Travis Michael Erickson (DOB 03/11/1988) is another highly active member of the McKenzie River Proud Boys. He has attended rallies with Jeffrey Mustin in Portland and Salem. According to DPSST data, Travis Erickson worked as a security guard until 2019. On social media, Travis Erickson spreads general misinformation about COVID-19. Travis also has a secondary Facebook account under the alias “Harry Scrotes,” where he does not hide his affiliation with the Proud Boys.Proud Boy Travis Michael Erickson.
Travis Erickson AKA “Harry Scrotes” flashes a white power sign in his Facebook profile picture.
Travis Erickson defends the Proud Boys on his personal Facebook account. Ironically, the man wearing the “I hate the left n racism” armor in the meme literally has “white power” tattooed on his arm (John Turano AKA Based Spartan).
Travis Erickson promotes the conspiracy theory that the major wildfires in Oregon in 2020 were started by arsonists or “antifa,” and calls for the media to be “defunded.”
Timeline of Activity
August 22, 2020: Portland Rally
On August 22, 2020, Proud Boys, members of the “Patriot Coalition,” and explicit neo-Nazis convoyed to Portland, Oregon to attack antifascists and supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement. Travis Erickson and Jeffrey Mustin both attended the rally with homemade shields and weapons. Mustin carried a green wooden shield with nails protruding from it, a pink metal baseball bat and a handgun with multiple clips of ammunition. Erickson had a large round “Captain America” themed shield and a wooden club. Fascists gather in downtown Portland on August 22. Jeffrey Mustin stands near Matthew and Jonathanpeter Klein, two brothers and members of the Proud Boys who were arrested by the FBI for their role in January 6 2021 US Capitol riot.
Jeffrey Mustin carries a pink Easton brand metal baseball bat, wooden shield with the nails sticking out, and a handgun with multiple clips of ammunition on August 22 in Portland, OR.
Travis Erickson carries a “Captain America” themed shield, hard-knuckle gloves, and a wooden club on August 22 in Portland, OR.
Jeffrey Mustin was captured on video assaulting several people during the rally. He can be seen repeatedly striking a counter-protester with his shield as they film him. As the far-right crowd attempted to advance into the park where antifascists were gathered, Jeffrey Mustin can be seen swinging his baseball bat at someone’s head. After the bloc forced the far-right crowd to flee, Travis Erickson, Jeffrey Mustin, Corey Wyatt, and others retreated into a parking garage, pursued by a small group of antifascists. Video taken from inside the parking garage shows Jeffrey Mustin and others retrieving firearms from vehicles and facing the antifascist group, ready to fire.
Jeffrey Mustin attacks a counter-protester with his metal baseball bat on August 22 in Portland, OR.
Jeffrey Mustin pulls out a handgun on antifascist protesters in a parking garage near the Justice Center in Portland, OR. Mustin was charged with unlawfully concealing a handgun in a later arrest at a Salem far-right rally.
November 7, 2020: Salem “Stop the Steal” Rally
On November 7, 2020, the far-right gathered at the Oregon State Capitol as part of a national attempt to contest the results of the presidential election, or “Stop the Steal.” November 7 was the first in a series of rallies at the capitol that would grow increasingly more violent and destructive. Members of the Proud Boys threatened journalists and accused them of being “antifa.” Travis Taylor viciously pepper sprayed a younger woman, and members of the National Lawyers Guild were also reportedly pepper-sprayed.
Jeffrey Keith Mustin wore a bright green ski mask, grey hoodie, and carried a club during the “Stop the Steal” rally. Police arrested Mustin after he participated in a mob attack on an older man holding a sign in opposition to the anti-democracy rally. Rally-goers stole his sign and Jeffrey Mustin can be seen in videos cowardly punching the man in the face before slinking back into the crowd. The Salem Statesman Journal writes that he was arrested after State Troopers “spotted Jeffery [sic] Mustin punch a man twice in the face during a shoving match.” Mustin was charged with assault in the fourth degree and unlawful possession of a firearm for concealing a handgun without a valid concealed carry permit. He has a hearing scheduled for July 20, 2021 (Case #20CR65847). Jeffrey Mustin approaches a counter-demonstrator during a “Stop the Steal” rally at the state capitol on election day. He stands near failed politician and Proud Boy leader Daniel Tooze and Justin “Tino” Pineda.
Jeffrey Mustin was arrested in Salem for assault during the “Stop the Steal” rally on November 7. Mustin wore a green ski mask and flashed the “OK” sign alongside other Proud Boys.
Jeffrey Mustin was captured on video punching a counter-protester in the face during a “Stop the Steal” rally in Salem, OR. He was arrested and charged with assault in the fourth degree.
Jeffrey Mustin’s release agreement from his arrest on November 7, 2020. He was charged with assault in the fourth degree and unlawful possession of a firearm.
January 1, 2021: Salem “Mass Civil Disobedience” Rally
On January 1 2021, Jeffrey Mustin returned to Salem for an anti-lockdown rally and march that had to be broken up by police. A far-right mob moved through the streets of Salem, chasing down and assaulting anyone they thought might be an antifascist. Dozens of Proud Boys, many armed with clubs and mace, joined the crowd at the Oregon State capitol. Among them was Mustin, wearing a Proud Boy hoodie, mask, and hat. This event marked the first time Jeffrey Mustin showed up in full Proud Boy gear. Jeffrey Mustin marches with the Proud Boys for a “Mass Civil Disobedience” rally at the Oregon State Capitol on New Years day. Patriot Coalition member and Proud Boy Christopher James Tough is also present.
January 9, 2021: Eugene “Stand Against Socialism” Rally
On January 9 2021, members of the Proud Boys gathered in Eugene for a “Stand Against Socialism” rally. The rally was organized by Geena Shipman, Rob Davis, and Brandon Lee Kitcher, an Oregon National Guardsman who used the pseudonym “Brandon Magaguy” on social media. After Kitcher was exposed, the Oregon National Guard took his side, believing his story that his social media accounts had been “hacked,” but the FBI reportedly placed him under federal investigation. A sizeable contingent of Proud Boys filed in to the rally, headed by Jeffrey Keith Mustin and John Jerome Kuenzi. Travis Erickson also entered with the Proud Boys, carrying a “Don’t Tread on Me” flag and a wooden club. The Proud Boy contingent arrives to a “Stand Against Socialism” rally on January 9, 2021. They are lead by Jeffrey Mustin.
Jeffrey Mustin at the “Stand Against Socialism” rally in Eugene.
Travis Erickson at the “Stand Against Socialism” rally in Eugene.
May 1, 2021: Proud Boy rally in Salem
On May Day, the Proud Boys, militia groups, and far-right sympathizers took over Riverfront Park in Salem, Oregon. The event was organized by Magen Marie Stevens and featured a long list of low-tier right wing speakers, including failed QAnon politician Joe Rae Perkins, and disgraced former state representative Mike Nearman. For several hours, heavily armed Proud Boys worked “security” for this unpermitted rally, turning away members of the press and threatening passersby. Proud Boys from Eugene, including Jeffrey Mustin and Travis Erickson, removed fellow racist Jake Beaird AKA Behind Enemy Lines, after he allegedly doxxed Eugene Proud Boy Bryan Costa’s girlfriend.Jeffrey Mustin confronts Jake Beaird at a Proud Boy rally in Salem. The Proud Boys had beef with Beaird after he allegedly doxxed one of their girlfriends.
Travis Erickson stands with a wooden shield painted with the Proud Boy logo. The shields have holes cut in them for spraying bear spray.
June 18, 2021: Oregon City “Flag Wave”
On June 18, 2021, antifascists rallied in Clackamette park in Oregon City to oppose a rally hosted by the Proud Boys. In the weeks leading up to the counter-protest, Proud Boys had shown up en masse to host heavily armed “voter registration” events at the Oregon City park. These rallies included explicit white nationalists and neo-Nazis. In response, an antifascist collective called “Fascist Free 503” called for a counter-protest on June 18 in Clackamette Park. A Nazi Proud Boy gives a Sieg Heil to a reporter during a Proud Boys “flag wave” event in Oregon City on May 21, 2021.
The antifascist group started to gather in Clackamette Park a few hours before the Proud Boys rally was set to begin. The Proud Boy contingent arrived just before 4pm, carrying heavy wooden shields with holes for bear spray, wooden clubs, baseball bats, axe handles, multiple paintball guns, firearms, and a fire extinguisher filled with an unknown liquid. The Proud Boys, about two-dozen strong, rushed the park and unloaded copious amounts of bear spray at the antifascists. Several femmes were targeted and attacked during their advance, including two members of the press. Nazi Proud Boy Gordon Cronk Jr. sucker punched one person in the back of the head, while Newberg Proud Boy Tommy Roy Campbell assaulted multiple people with a metal baton. Backpacks, phones, and other personal items were stolen from the park by the Proud Boys. Jeffrey Keith Mustin and Travis Erickson were both at the Oregon City rally. Mustin was armed with the same “Easton” brand pink baseball bat he used to assault protesters in Portland on August 22, 2020. Proud Boy Travis Erickson marches in Proud Boy gear in June 18 in Oregon City. He carries a wooden shield and club.
Jeffrey Mustin wears Proud Boy gear and carries a metal baseball bat in Oregon City on June 18. The patch on his backpack is for the Washington based, fascist friendly defense company “Bullet Proof-It.”
July 4, 2021: Creswell Parade
After the Creswell Chamber of Commerce announced that they would postpone the annual 4th of July parade due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, far-right organizers from other parts of Oregon began promoting an unpermitted parade of their own. Proud Boys and other far-right organizers used the cancellation as a way to promote their brand, actively recruit new members, and further normalize fascist politics through blind American patriotism. The flyer promoted on social media described the event as “An Opportunity to Meet Many of Oregon’s Finest Patriot Groups.” Organizers included Janira Brannigan AKA Yaneeda Brannigan and Proud Boy and Patriot Coalition member Christopher James Tough AKA Chris HimWho. The Proud Boys ran “security” for the parade and displayed a large “PB” flag from the back of a pickup truck. Jeffrey Keith Mustin waved to the crowd from another truck, wearing a shirt with the logo for the Eugene chapter of the Proud Boys, the “McKenzie River Proud Boys.” After the parade, the Proud Boys hosted a private “Meet the Proud Boys” event.Proud Boys take part in an unpermitted 4th of July parade in Creswell, Oregon. Jeffrey Mustin rides in the back the second truck.
Gresham OR Proud Boy David Alex Julian flashes the “OK” hand sign and displays a Proud Boys flag during the 4th of July parade in Creswell.
Jeffrey Mustin and David Julian wave to spectators during the unpermitted 4th of July parade in Creswell, OR. The parade featured at least three vehicles owned by Proud Boys. The black pickup truck in front is owned by Oregon City Proud Boy Daniel Tooze.
Jeffrey Keith Mustin wears a shirt advertising the “McKenzie River Proud Boys” chapter, established 2021. A Proud Boy tattoo is visible on his upper left arm.
Other Proud Boys in the Eugene area:
Austin Matthew Michael Walker
Austin Walker (DOB 10/14/1994) is a Proud Boy from Eugene, Oregon who has taken part in multiple anti-Black Lives Matter actions in Eugene and Springfield. His girlfriend, Avani Lange AKA Betty Patreeit, is also active in the regional far-right scene. Austin Walker participated in the racist “All Lives Matter” rallies in Springfield during the high point of Black Lives Matter protests. On July 29, 2020, Austin Walker attacked Black Lives Matter protesters in the Thurston neighborhood of Springfield, Oregon, alongside white supremacists like Corey Wyatt and Tim Davis. By November 2020, he was rallying with the Proud Boys. In December, Austin Walker and Avani Lange traveled to Washington DC for a second “Million MAGA March.” Proud Boys vandalized historically Black churches and stabbed at least four people as they roamed through the streets looking for people to attack. Austin Walker at an “All Lives Matter” rally in July 2020.
Austin Walker rallies with the Proud Boys in Salem, OR for a “Stop the Steal” event.
Austin Walker, Christopher James Tough, Vincent James Burroughs (between Austin and Chris), and Avani Lange pose in Washington DC on December 12, 2020. Proud Boys would go on to attack dozens of people, stabbing at least four and vandalizing Black Churches as they roamed the streets unabated.
Trenton Leonard Wolfskill
Trenton Leonard Wolfskill (DOB 1/9/1983) is a Proud Boy from Eugene, Oregon who has been a part of multiple violent far-right protests in Oregon. He participated in the August 22, 2020 far-right assault on Portland with other fascists from the Eugene area. On September 7, 2020, Trenton Wolfskill was arrested by Oregon State Police for assaulting a counter-demonstrator during a Labor Day Proud Boy rally. He returned to Salem on November 14, 2020, for a “Defeat the Steal” rally, dressed in Proud Boy colors and carrying a wooden axe handle as a weapon. He has a long history of felonies, including robbery and possession of a controlled substance.
Trenton Leonard Wolfskill and his fiancee Lillian Marie Creech.
Trenton Wolfskill in Salem, OR for a “Defeat the Steal” rally. He is wearing hard-knuckle gloves and carrying an axe handle as he poses with other members of the Proud Boys.
Jacob Wade Mourer
Jacob Wade Mourer (DOB 9/20/1978) is a member of the Proud Boys who lives in the small town of Elmira, Oregon, located just West of Eugene. He is a regular at far-right protests and shows up heavily armed. Jacob Mourer participated in the “Stop the Steal” and “Defeat the Steal” rallies in Salem, on November 7th and 14th, respectively. He also rallied with the Proud Boys in Eugene on January 9, 2021. Jacob Wade Mourer, Kyle Ritter, Christopher James Tough, and Jeremy Wayne Roberts counter-protest a Black Lives Matter rally in Creswell, OR on November 1, 2020.
Jacob Wade Mourer carries a firearm at the “Defeat the Steal” rally in Salem, Oregon.
Jacob Wade Mourer with other members of the Proud Boys hate group during the “Stand Against Socialism” rally in Eugene.
Bryan Costa
Bryan Costa (DOB 9/29/1972), formerly known as Bryan Douglas Parks, is a member of the Proud Boys from Eugene, OR. Bryan was initially exposed by another person on the far-right after he allegedly confronted racist streamer Jake “Behind Enemy Lines” Beaird for “doxxing” his girlfriend. In response, a group of Proud Boys escorted Jake out of their Salem rally on May 1, 2021. Bryan Costa ran for a seat on the 4J School Board in Eugene, but only managed to net six percent of the vote. Proud Boy leader Henry “Enrique” Tarrio told reporters that one of his goals was to get the Proud Boys involved more in local political races.
August 22, 2021: A Fascist Reunion in Portland
The far-right plans to return to Portland on August 22, 2021, to terrorize residents and brutalize anyone brave enough to stand against them. The event is draped in fascist rhetoric about cleaning the streets and taking the country back. It is being promoted by COPS NW organizer Audra Price, who claims that “Leaders from various patriot groups, from all over, are coming together on Aug 22nd.” Last year, we saw neo-Nazis and Proud Boys from all across the country converge in downtown Portland and attack antifascists with improvised explosives, paintball guns, clubs, and baseball bats. Portland Police stayed back, even after a far-right protester fired a live round in the air. We are not aware of any counter-protests planned, but we will update this article if any are announced. [EDIT: The PNW Youth Liberation Front has called for a counter to the August 22, 2021 Far Right event. Their announcement reads: Calling all antifascists! Counter-Demonstration Food, Zines, and Community Defense Salmon Springs Fountain August 22nd, 1 PM Fight back! All out to defend Portland!]1: COPS NW associate John Dorrance comments that it is time to “make Portland streets clean again.” 2: Eric Oelkers, an open neo-Nazi who vandalized a Black owned restaurant in Salem, comments “Take back the Streets take back the Nation.” 3: David Willis, a hardcore neo-Nazi who claimed to have been a part of the Nazi gang “East Side White Pride” says (of A22) “the cleansing will be completed.”
Audra Price advertises her August 22, 2021 “United We Win” rally planned in downtown Portland. David Willis refers to the event as a “cleansing.” Matthew Wall, an extremely violent far-right extremist from McMinnville, OR, writes that “Bullets are better than paint balls.”
Conclusion: No Safe Space for Proud Boys!
Despite the few token men of color within their membership, the Proud Boys were designed and continue to operate as an ultra nationalist, white supremacist street gang. As a group, Proud Boys target anti-racists, anti-fascists, feminists, and other proponents of diversity and equity. The prevailing narrative pushed by mainstream media is that the Proud Boys are in a state of decline, triggered by the arrests of key members in connection with the January 6 capitol riot. However, in Oregon they are more active than ever before: Near-weekly rallies events are being held in small, ultra-white conservative towns, and once-unaffiliated violent racists are now joining forces with the Proud Boys. If their organizing is unopposed, they will continue to grow. We must confront far-right organizing in our city, and make it known, loud and clear: The Proud Boys are not welcome in Eugene!
If you have any information about Proud Boys or other fascists organizing in the Eugene area, please send us an email at eugeneantifa [at] protonmail [dot] com

Email: eugeneantifa [at] protonmail [dot] com