Richard Oliver Bowman II

Richard Oliver Bowman II and his wife Priya Devi Bhan
Richard Oliver Bowman II is a is a member of the neo-fascist group Operation Werewolf. Over the last few months, Bowman II has made inroads with far-right activists in Oregon. Despite belonging to a fascist cult, Bowman II styles himself as a pro-Trump, pro-second amendment patriot, absorbed with faux-intellectual rhetoric about western civilization and the threat of communism. This psuedo-philosophical positioning has earned him a steady following on social media that consists of both pro-Trump boomers and extreme neo-Nazis affiliated with Operation Werewolf and other projects. Richard Oliver Bowman II lives in Wilsonville, Oregon, with his wife, Priya Devi Bhan. He works as a trucker for R&L Carriers (contact them here).
Richard Bowman II promotes Operation Werewolf material on Facebook.
Richard Bowman II engages in some casual Swastika defense. His partner Priya Bahn (AKA Priya Maharaj) comments approvingly. Although the Swastika was a part of Hindu iconography, Bowman II’s ties to neo-Nazism make this post concerning.
Richard Bowman II “likes” a comment on his Facebook post that says “Hitler was right.” The poster goes on to talk about “negroes,” “culture destroyers,” and “the jew.”
Richard Bowman II spins a totally true story about “commies” throwing fireworks at his vehicle. Thanks for the laugh, Richard. We especially appreciate the “clenched fist” addition. Nice!
Richard Bowman II thinks Jews and Muslims are destroying western culture.
Richard Bowman II alludes to the white supremacist great replacement conspiracy theory, which has appeared in the manifestos of neo-Nazi mass murderers.
Richard Bowman II is obsessed with the Confederacy and believes in a heavily-revised history of the American Civil War. He is such a big fan of the Confederacy that he got a a weird tattoo of a creepy man-wolf dressed as a Confederate soldier. Richard Bowman II also enjoys cosplaying as a Confederate soldier (this guy is really into losing), and has rallied with the neo-Confederate “Virginia Flaggers” in Richmond, Virginia.Richard Bowman II shows off his mighty muscles (doesn’t look like he’s been all that serious about “Iron and Blood”) and his creepy man-wolf dressed as a Confederate soldier.
Richard Bowman II cosplays as a Confederate soldier at a Civil war reenactment. Losing once wasn’t enough?
Richard Bowman II rallies with the Virginia Flaggers in Richmond, VA. Bowman II was in Virginia for the annual Operation Werewolf Conclave. The Flaggers have no problem with rallying with fascists.
Richard Bowman II traveled to Eugene on July 31 to defend a 51 foot cross from a rumored “ANTIFA” and “BLM” attack. The rumor originated in Patriot/Militia groups on Facebook, and even though their own Zach Caster confirmed that it was a hoax, hundreds still showed up at New Hope Christian College. The college welcomed the armed militia and even allowed snipers to set up on a campus building. The event served as a “meet and greet” for various far right activists and militia groups that have emerged as a counter to Black Lives Matter organizing in the Eugene-Springfield area. Richard Bowman II was present, along with Corey “Agnarr” Wyatt, local homophobe Emma Mitchem, Michelle Yates (a violent Patriot Prayer hang-around), Rob Cantrall, and Proud Boy Cole Scott (AKA noodle arms).Richard Bowman II armed with an assault rifle at New Hope Christian College in Eugene, Oregon. The July 31 rally started from a rumor spread through right-wing circles that “ANITFA” was coming to tear down a large cross located on the campus.
On August 22, multiple far-right rallies scheduled in downtown Portland converged near the Justice Center, only a week after Patriot Prayer incel Skylor Jernigan fired a handgun at Black Lives Matter protesters. Emboldened by the Portland Police Bureau’s laissez-faire handling of the August 15 rally, members of the neo-fascist gang the Proud Boys traveled from out of town to attack antifascists and journalists. Many were explicitly armed with weapons ranging from paintball guns, police batons, baseball bats, axe handles, spiked shields, bear mace, and handguns. The far-right crowd unloaded bear spray and smashed a Black Lives Matter support vehicle, but they were eventually chased out of the city by antifascists.
Richard Bowman II attended the August 22 rally in Portland armed with a large collapsible baton and hard knuckle gloves. He also wore a ballistic helmet and a plate carrier, and a full length wooden shield. The shield carried by Bowman II (white rectangular shield with diagonal cuts on corners) matched other far-right protesters, including that of the man who fired his pistol in the air. At some points in the rally, Bowman II can be seen instructing the shield wall, just like neo-Nazi Corey Wyatt. This leads us to believe that Richard Bowman II coordinated with other far-right rally attendees in order to commit violence against antifascists. Richard Bowman II hides behind a shield in Portland on August 22. Neo-Nazi Corey Wyatt and convicted murderer Isabel McDaniel were also present.
Richard Bowman II directs the far-right shield line with his collapsible baton in Portland. Proud Boy Travis Taylor holds a “God Bless America” shield.
Richard Bowman II, after getting dumped by “Dollar store trash can commies.” Fuck around and find out, jabroni.
Operation Werewolf
Operation Werewolf is a neo-fascist “tribe” that was started by Paul and Mathias Waggener in the early 2000’s. The philosophy of Paul Waggener and Operation Werewolf is strongly influenced by the Italian thinker Julius Evola. Evola was a traditionalist and self-described “super-fascist” who believed that the world was in a dark age (the Kali Yuga or “Wolf Age”) and only the warrior class would survive to usher in a golden age. For Evola, traditional order was being eroded by women and Jews, and equality was leading the world to ruin. Many of these themes appear in the writing of Paul Waggener, which serves as the ideological basis of Operation Werewolf: a hyper-masculine Aryan “tribe” that glorifies violence and traditionalism.
Operation Werewolf is organized into regional cells; the Washington cell is called the “Ulfhednar Division.” Many of the cells are tied to gyms, and members (operatives) are encouraged to lift weights, train together, and practice heathen rituals. Each year, members of Operation Werewolf travel to Virginia for a multi-day convergence called the Lupine Equinox Conclave.
Operation Werewolf also functions as a feeder group for the Wolves of Vinland, a closed cult that is listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. While Operation Werewolf has a low entry barrier, Wolves of Vinland is a more intense, selective organization with a much smaller, handpicked membership. In many ways, the Wolves are the life-stylists of the far-right. Paul Waggener’s former associate Jack Donovan spent years promoting both groups and has since gone on to a newer yet similar project he refers to as Waldgang. Both Waggener and Donovan sell (literally) Operation Werewolf through their physiques more so than their ideas, enticing working class white men with a rugged, strongman aesthetic.
Although Paul Waggener maintains that his Operation Werewolf is an apolitical group, many members have long histories with the white power movement. Jacob Laskey, a longtime neo-Nazi from the Eugene area who was the leader of American Front, joined Operation Werewolf along with his brother Gabriel Laskey. Jacob Laskey is recently released from prison for stabbing one of his American Front buddies, and previously did prison time for throwing rocks through the windows of the Temple Beth Israel. In 2012, an Operation Werewolf member named Maurice Thompson Michaely broke into and attempted to burn down a Black church in Virginia. Paul Waggener called for the release of Michaely, AKA Hjalti, and he remained involved with Operation Werewolf after being released from prison.
Ulfhednar Division, the Washington cell of Operation Werewolf, pictured in 2016. From left to right: Matthew Horton, Rob Ellis (Kommandant Ellis), (unknown), and Logan Lingren. The number 92 refers to the motto “Iron and Blood.”
Logan Daniel Lingren was one of the early members of the Ulfhednar Division cell of Operation Werewolf in Washington. Ulfhednar is a Old Norse word that refers to a mythological warrior that wore a wolf pelt in battle. Both of Logan’s parents worked for the CIA, and Logan worked a two-year stint for US Investigation Services (a CIA contractor) starting in 2008. Logan joined the Air Force in late 2011 as a maintenance technician and was stationed at the Fairchild Air Force Base near Spokane, WA, until late 2017. He became involved in Operation Werewolf in 2015, while working for the US Air Force. After leaving the Air Force, Logan moved to Ashburn, Virginia with his partner (Gabriela Galeano), and remains connected to many members of Operation Werewolf.Logan Lingren and Rob Ellis hold an Operation Werewolf flag at an “Ulfhednar Division” gathering in 2015.
Logan Daniel Lingren now lives in Virginia with his partner Gabriela Galeano.
Matthew James Horton is a member of Operation Werewolf living in Aberdeen, Washington. Matthew’s house in Aberdeen has acted as a gathering place for members of Operation Werewolf because of his home gym, which he calls “Damage Gym.” Matthew has been a member of Operation Werewolf since at least 2016 and has attempted to recruit more members locally. He has connections to the local biker scene in Aberdeen, WA. Matthew works as a garbage truck driver for LeMay Grays Harbor (contact them here). Matthew Horton (right) poses with Operation Werewolf member Sean Tahtinen (left). Matthew has a “Thor’s Hammer” tattoo on his left wrist and the helm of awe on his hand.
Sean Phillip Tahtinen is a member of Operation Werewolf and a violent felon. In June 2020, he was arrested in Indiana for pointing a handgun at a man during an argument. From Munice Star Press: The Muncie man told police he had been carrying the handgun for protection “with everything going on.”
Matthew Horton, Richard Bowman II, Priya Bhan, and Sean Tahtinen pose in Matt’s “Damage Gym” in Aberdeen, WA.
Matthew James Horton (center) poses with Brian Cornelius (right) and an individual wearing a three-percenter shirt.
Matthew Horton AKA Matt Damage jokes about hitting protesters with his vehicle.
Matthew Horton is a serial domestic abuser, having been convicted of domestic violence in 1997, 1998, and 2004, per public records. It is not surprising that a domestic abuser would be drawn to a fascist gang that prides itself on violence and ultra-masculinity, all while espousing a hatred of women and femininity. A number of prominent figures in the American far-right have histories of domestic violence, like serial abuser Augustus Invictus, Richard Spencer, and Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes.
Brian Anthony Cornelius lives in Aberdeen, Washington, and has recently become involved with Operation Werewolf. Brian is part of the biker scene and rides a black pre-2000 Honda Goldwing. Brian has an Algis rune tattoo on his inner right bicep. Brian Cornelius is affiliated with Operation Werewolf and lives in Aberdeen, Washington.
Sean Tahtinen, Brian Cornelius, and Matthew Horton pose for a picture in Matt’s home gym (AKA Damage gym).
Christopher Michael Mack is a neo-Nazi from Olympia, Washington, with ties to Operation Werewolf and the Ulfhednar Division. Chris and his Nazi wife, Alena Gay Mack, played in a shitty alt-rock band called Burial Stump, as “Chris P. Korpse” and “Ms. Mischief.” The band has landed some minor gigs in the Grays Harbor and Olympia area. In June 2020, antifascists unearthed a photo of Alena Mack giving a Sieg Heil with young children in front of a Nazi war flag. Alena Mack is a certified counselor in the state of Washington. Chris Mack may has a history of employment in landscaping and construction.Chris and Alena Mack, neo-Nazis from the Olympia, Washington area.
Chris and Alena Mack preforming as “Chris P. Korpse” and “Ms. Mischief” for their shitty band called “Burial Stump.”
Alena Mack (far left with flat cap) gives a Nazi salute with children in front of a Nazi war flag. She was fired from her position at Telecare Corp after community pressure.
Members of Operation Werewolf gather in Washington. From left to right: TOP: Josh Schuess, Richard Bowman II, and Matthew Horton (top right unknown). BOTTOM: Brian Cornelius and Christopher Mack.
Matthew Horton, Christopher Mack, and Alena Mack all express interest in traveling to Oregon to attack antifascists.
Over the last 100+ days of protest and insurrection for Black liberation, we have seen a reactionary push by the far-right to physically confront Black Lives Matter demonstrations. Driven by vigilante attacks and given cover by the right-wing outrage machine, a big tent coalition of racists ready to violently confront Black Lives Matter protesters has emerged in the Pacific Northwest. With this, we have seen renewed efforts of entryism by neo-Nazis and fascists, from Richard Bowman II to Corey Eugene Wyatt.
If you have additional information on Richard Bowman II, Corey Wyatt, right wing “counter-protesters,” or other racist or fascist activity in the Eugene-Springfield area or the Pacific Northwest, email:
On September 26, the far-right is returning to Portland to wage violence. We support the calls by local antifascist groups to come together and #DefendPDX. No Proud Boys in the Rose City!
All out on September 26! Click the image for more information.