Garrett Martin Sipe (DOB 9/29/1985), a resident of Willamina, Oregon, is a violent member of the Proud Boys. The Proud Boys are an ultra-nationalist, neo-fascist group founded by Canadian bigot Gavin McInnes in 2016. They are recognized as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center and considered a white nationalist extremist group by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. For more information on the Proud Boys, we recommend Rose City Antifa’s excellent article from 2018. Garrett Sipe was a member of the PNW Patriot Coalition, a brief collection of far-right groups that communicated online to plan violence throughout Oregon. Garrett Sipe is tied to Portland, Oregon resident Scott Duncan, who allegedly murdered Portland anarchist and antifascist activist Sean Kealiher.
Garrett Martin Sipe works for Square Deal Construction Company, based out of Newberg, Oregon. He also runs a website that sells gear for riding snowmobiles, called North West Snow Gear. Action items can be found at the end of the article.
Timeline of Activity
August 22, 2020
On August 22, 2020, various far-right groups and hardcore neo-Nazis came together in downtown Portland, Oregon for a “No to Marxism” rally hosted by California alt-right activist Amber Gwen Cummings. The far-right came prepared for violence: many were armed with bear spray, metal batons, axe handles, paintball guns, and firearms. After months of extreme police violence against Black Lives Matter protesters, the Portland Police backed off and allowed the far-right crowd to lead a multi-hour armed assault against antifascists in broad daylight. During this rally, several firearms were brandished by alt-right figures and at least one explosive was deployed by members of their group.
A large contingent of Proud Boys were present on August 22, 2020, including Garrett Martin Sipe who wore a black shirt with the yellow laurel wreath adopted by the Proud Boys, and a “Proud Boy” hat. As the far-right crowd began to flee, Garrett Sipe participated in the gang beating of an antifascist protester, kicking them in the head while another fascist punched them repeatedly on the ground.
Garrett Sipe stands next to Springfield, OR racist Tim Edward Davis, neo-Nazi Corey Eugene Wyatt, and far-right organizer Sorbeah “Ara” Almosa during a violent August 22, 2020 rally. The yellow laurel wreath logo of the Proud Boys is visible on Sipe’s shirt.
Garrett Sipe speaks with ultra-violent Proud Boy Travis Taylor during a violent far-right rally on August 22, 2020. Patriot Coalition member Jason Michael Gould and domestic abuser Qunicy Franklin stand nearby.
Garrett Sipe kicks an antifascist protester in the head while another far-right rallygoer punches them on the ground. Self-declared white nationalist Allen Weseley Pucket rushes in to get a piece of the violence.
Garrett Sipe can be seen kicking an injured antifascist protester in the head during the far-right’s August 22, 2020 rally. Another man punches the protester repeatedly. Video of the gang beating can be found here.
September 7, 2020
On September 7, 2020 (Labor Day) two far-right events combined at the Oregon State capitol building in Salem, Oregon. In Oregon City, a pro-Trump “cruise rally” gathered in the Clackamas Community College parking lot before bringing traffic to a halt on Interstate 5. Many of the “cruise rally” participants joined with an “American Lives Matter” rally at the Oregon State capital. The rally at the capitol was organized by Salem, Oregon resident and state employee Janira Brannigan. During the rally, Proud Boys and other far-right goons chased down, pepper sprayed, and beat on lone antifascist protesters. Garrett Sipe was part of the Proud Boy contingent and carried a can of bear mace on his hip.
Garrett Sipe (shorts, with flag) stands near fellow Proud Boy John Jerome Kuenzi, violent neo-Nazi Jeremy Wayne Roberts, and others at an “American Lives Matter” rally in Salem, OR.
Garrett Sipe stands in the middle of the roadway, facing antifascist protesters in Salem, OR. A can of bear mace is visible on his right hip.
Garrett Sipe, Paul Davies, and other Proud Boys hate group members unfurl an oversized American flag on the steps of the capitol building in Salem, OR.
Garrett Sipe brandishes a large flag pole in Salem, OR during an “American Lives Matter” rally.
Garrett Sipe and Christopher Gene McCauley approach a small group of antifascist protesters in Salem, OR. Chris McCauley later bragged about hitting a Black Lives Matter supporter in the head with a metal baton.
September 26, 2020
On September 26, 2020 the Proud Boys held a hate rally on the outskirts of Portland, Oregon. Proud Boy chairman Henry “Enrique” Tarrio filed a permit request with the city of Portland, claiming that the rally would have 10,000 participants and another 10,000 “spectators.” However, only a few hundred actually showed, many of whom flew from across the country to get beat up by “ANTIFA.” Although Henry Tarrio and Joe Biggs were quick to declare victory, many of their own rallygoers were unhappy with the lack of violence against antifascists. Some fascists settled for attacking local journalists, like Samson Steele, who was filmed kicking a student journalist in the head.
Garrett Martin Sipe at the Proud Boys 9/26/2020 hate rally in Portland, OR. Sipe is still coated in white paint from when he was run out of Portland by a large antifascist bloc on August 22, 2020.
Garrett Sipe (unmasked) embraces another far-right protester at the Proud Boys 9/26/2020 hate rally.
January 1, 2021
The far-right started the new year with a “mass civil disobedience” anti-lockdown rally and march in Salem, Oregon. The event was organized by Oregon Women for Trump in opposition to Oregon Governor Kate Brown’s COVID-19 safety measures including mask mandates, and school and business restrictions. Dozens of Proud Boys took part in the rally, including Garrett Sipe, who carried bear mace and a club. After marching to Mahonia Hall (the governor’s mansion), the far-right roamed the streets looking for antifascist protesters to attack. A photographer was chased down and kicked in the head, and a photojournalist from the Oregonian was shoved to the pavement. A small group of antifascists had gathered outside of Epilogue Kitchen, a black owned restaurant that has been the target of fascist vandalism. There, the Proud Boys descended on the antifascists who were defending the local business, and attempted to shove their way past a police line which separated the two groups. In response, police deployed colorful smoke and forced the far-right crowd back to the capitol building.
Garrett Martin Sipe flashes the “OK” hand sign, which is commonly used by white supremacists like the Proud Boys.
Garrett Sipe, fellow Proud Boy Shane Purvis, and domestic abuser Barry Lloyd James Johnson stand outside Mahonia Hall on January 1, 2021.
Garrett Sipe and Proud Boy David Julian at the January 1, 2021 anti-lockdown protest in Salem, OR.
The Proud Boys arrive at the January 1,2021 anti-lockdown protest in Salem, OR. Former PNW Patriot Coalition leader Christopher James Tough (AKA Chris HimWho) leads the group with a megaphone. Garrett Sipe can be seen in the background.
Garrett Sipe carried bear mace, and later a wooden club, at the January 1, 2021 anti-lockdown protest in Salem, OR.
Patriot Coalition Chats
Garrett Sipe was a member of the PNW Patriot Coalition, a short-lived collective consisting of far-right individuals, explicit neo-Nazis, and militia groups united around enacting violence against antifascists. The group organized publicly on Facebook and privately on the chat platform GroupMe. We leaked months of messages from the private PNW Patriot Coalition chats in September 2020.
In the GroupMe chats, Garrett Sipe used the username “GSipe.” After the far-right got ran out of Portland on August 22, 2020, members of the Patriot Coalition discussed weapons and gear for the next fascist incursion to Portland. Garrett Sipe suggested using slingshots: “We [the Proud Boys] were talking about using wrist rockets on the ride home Saturday [August 22].” Though Garrett Sipe was not very active in the chats, he regularly boosted far-right events that the Proud Boys were attending. After extreme wind patterns caused devastating wildfires across Oregon and the Pacific Northwest, misinformation peddlers on the far-right pushed a completely false claim that antifascists were setting fires in rural communities. This led to far-right vigilantes patrolling small towns and setting up armed checkpoints. Members of the PNW Patriot Coalition organized patrols and reported random vehicles they believed to be responsible for lighting fires. Garrett Sipe told the chat that a vehicle “with blm all over” was driving around and starting fires, and provided a description, putting the driver in serious danger. Patriot Coalition member Erik Neal (Erik) asks where to buy a collapsible baton. Garrett Sipe (GSipe) sends him a link to purchase one.
Garrett Sipe admits that he is a member of the Proud Boys in the Patriot Coalition chats.
Garrett Sipe shares the flier for the September 26, 2020 Proud Boys hate rally in Portland, OR. The flier he shared was first posted in the COPS NW Facebook group, per the screenshot.
Connection to Scott Duncan, Alleged Murderer of a Portland Antifascist
Anarchist Sean Kealiher AKA Armeanio was murdered just past midnight on October 12, 2019, by a group of men driving a silver SUV. These men intentionally struck Armeanio head on with the vehicle. As Armeanio struggled with the last few moments of his life, his killers fled, leaving the SUV abandoned less than a block away from the scene of the crime. After more than a year of inaction from the Portland Police Bureau and other investigative authorities, Armeanio’s mother publicly released two names of the men responsible for the murder of her son: Scott Wayne Duncan and Christopher Edward Knipe.
Scott Duncan and Christopher Knipe, alleged murderers of Sean Kealiher AKA Armeanio.
The silver SUV abandoned near the scene of the murder was registered to Christopher Knipe’s uncle, Douglas. Scott Duncan was allegedly driving the vehicle at the time of the murder. He has an extensive criminal history, including a 2018 arrest for driving under the influence of intoxicants, recklessly endangering another person, fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer, strangulation, and most recently, a 2019 charge for assault in the fourth degree.
Scott Duncan and Proud Boy Garrett Martin Sipe are longtime friends. They both grew up in the small town of Craig, Alaska and graduated from Craig High School. They remained friends after high school, and a few years after graduation they both moved to Oregon where they lived together in at least two different houses in Portland, Oregon. Additionally, Garrett Sipe and Scott Duncan are connected and interact with each other through social media, including Facebook, where Sipe frequently boosts far-right material.Proud Boy Garrett Sipe “likes” a post made by his friend Scott Duncan.
Proud Boy Garrett Sipe “likes” a post made by his friend Scott Duncan, alleged murderer of Armeanio.
Proud Boy Garrett Sipe “likes” a post made by his friend Scott Duncan.
Proud Boy Garrett Sipe “likes” a post made by his friend Scott Duncan.
Garrett Sipe uses his personal Facebook account to boost far-right events, memes, and conspiracy theories. Garrett Sipe and Scott Duncan are also connected on Facebook.
Membership in the Proud Boys has seen a surge since Donald Trump called on the group to “stand by” during a publicly televised presidential debate. Hundreds from around the country have violated public health and safety recommendations during the COVID-19 global pandemic and traveled across states to Washington D.C. where they took to the streets looking to assault antifascists, Black Lives Matter supporters, and people of color. As the Proud Boys prepare to rally around Donald Trump once again this Wednesday, January 6, 2021 in D.C., antifascists everywhere prepare to stand up and push back against this hate group.
Action Items
Contact Square Deal Construction Company and demand that they fire violent hate group member Garrett Sipe!
Phone: *67 (971) 832-0191; email:
Forward tips or information on racist and fascist activity to: eugeneantifa [at] protonmail [dot] com

Avenge Armeanio