William Franklin Rehm IV, or as he is more commonly known among neo-Nazi circles, “TheEcologist” AKA “Werwolf,” is a former member of the Base and co-founder of the Green Brigade. Will is from Beaverton, Oregon and has spent the bulk of the last year communicating closely with Atomwaffen Division and Base members. In previously unpublished, internal communications acquired from anonymous antifascist activists, we learn a great deal about Rehm, his associates, and the organizing dynamics of the most notorious, accelerationist, neo-Nazi groups in the United States.
William Franklin Rehm IV was born on October 17, 1999, and grew up in the wealthy hills of Beaverton, Oregon. In 2014, William started school at Beaverton High School. At this age, William was more invested in his battle rap career and skateboarding than obscure Nazi occultists. In late 2015, two of William’s close friends, Austin Mendler and Timothy Harris, were arrested for robbing a Plaid Pantry and assaulting an employee with a fish bat. Following the arrests, William transferred to Edison High School in Portland, Oregon. Edison High School is a private school that works with teenagers who have learning disabilities. After graduating in 2018, William continued school at Portland Community College (PCC). By this time, William’s eco-fascist politics had fully manifested and he was networking with other neo-Nazi accelerationists online, using the pseudonyms “Werwolf” and “TheEcologist.” William Rehm IV was a member of the Base and has close relationships with neo-Nazis from the Atomwaffen Division.William Franklin Rehm IV is an eco-fascist from Beaverton, Oregon. He was a member of the Base and a leader in an eco-fascist group called the “Green Brigade.”
William Franklin Rehm IV poses with a copy of the Unabomber’s manifesto (ISAIF) for a “Green Brigade” propaganda piece. His face is covered with a Tokenkopf and the Algis Rune, symbols frequently used by neo-Nazi groups.
William Rehm IV graduated from Edison High School in Portland, Oregon in 2018. William was also a student at Beaverton High School in Beaverton, Oregon.
William Rehm IV on vacation with his family in Europe.
William Rehm IV on vacation with his family. William is 5’11”.
Before professing his neo-Nazi beliefs, William posted rap songs on Soundcloud. William’s Soundcloud account has been deleted, but we can say with certainty that “#bars” is a misleading description.
William Rehm IV used to practice skateboarding before practicing fascism.
The Base
William organized with a number of accelerationist neo-Nazi formations before forming one of his own. William networked with Nazis in the Misanthropic Division, an international neo-Nazi regiment with close ties to the Ukrainian Azov Battalion. Misanthropic Division is mainly based in Europe, though individuals linked to the group have been identified in the United States. William was also a member of another international accelerationist Nazi group called the Base. Coming in to 2020, William was the only known Base member in the state of Oregon. In December 2019, stickers advertising the Base were found and removed in Northeast Portland, Oregon. William disassociated himself from the Base on January 18th, 2020, a few days after six members were arrested in separate terror plots; three planned to carry out a mass shooting at a Richmond, Virginia gun rally, and another three were involved in a plot to murder a Georgia couple who they believed to be members of an Atlanta antifascist group. January got worse for the Base when The Guardian published a bombshell article exposing the leader of the Base, “Norman Spear,” as Russian resident Rinaldo Nazzaro. Many Nazis thought that Nazzaro may have been a federal agent, but William defended him, writing (of Nazzaro) “I used to speak with him often. I trust him.”
William Rehm IV ordered a shirt of the European neo-Nazi group “Misanthropic Division” and claimed to have worn the shirt to the gym.
William Rehm IV AKA “Werwolf” writes that he used to talk to the leader of the Base, Rinaldo “Roman” Nazzaro. William was a member of the Base and has defended Rinaldo Nazzaro after he was identified by the Guardian.
Screenshots from the Wire chat for the Base show the aftermath of the January 2020 Base arrests. William Rehm IV AKA “Werwolf” asks Rinaldo Nazzaro AKA “Roman Wolf” how to proceed. Clearly, William did not have “tight OpSec.”
William Rehm IV AKA “Werwolf” communicated frequently with Luke Austin Lane AKA “TMB,” who was implicated in the Georgia murder conspiracy.
A screenshot from within the Base’s private Wire chat was released by the Guardian in January 2020. The messages outlined in red are from William Rehm IV AKA “TheEcologist” AKA “Werwolf.” William Rehm tells the leader of the Base, Rinaldo “Roman” Nazzaro (Name in pixilated blue), that he is “glad to be apart of it.”
William Rehm IV AKA “Werwolf” tells other members of the Base that he will be taking his Nazism elsewhere. William left the Base on January 18th, 2020.
William Rehm IV AKA “Werwolf” tells members of the Fascist Forge chat that he recently left the Base. Chat member “John” aka “Dima” was also a part of the neo-Nazi paramilitary group the Base.
The Green Brigade
The Green Brigade is an eco-fascist group that launched in the early days of November 2019 and silently ceased in March 2020. William Rehm IV helped create the group with a Swedish member of the Base and held a leadership role. Most of the group’s propaganda material and recruitment posters were designed by William and he is featured in at least two promotional photos. Most of the material is poorly designed and some has been directly stolen from leftist groups like the Earth Liberation Front. The Green Brigade Telegram channel was created on November 6, 2019, and officially disbanded on March 18, 2020. The Green Brigade promised to continue to take a “proactive approach off the radar.”
William Rehm IV poses with a copy of “Industrial Society and Its Future,” (ISAIF) the manuscript of “the Unabomber,” Ted Kaczynski. The Green Brigade logo is visible in the top left corner.
William Rehm IV wears a skull mask in this propaganda photo for the Green Brigade.
The Green Brigade group did not grow much during it’s four month lifespan, but had members in the U.S. states of Arkansas and New Hampshire, and in England and Sweden. The group had a substantial Telegram presence and received an early boost by being associated with an arson attack on a mink farm in Sölvesborg, Sweden. The fire was set on October 30th, 2019 and the attack was first claimed by “The Swedish Animal Rights Militia.” In November, a video from inside the burning farm was uploaded to iFunny by William Rehm IV, using the alias “TheEcologist.” William also shared content promoting the neo-Nazi accelerationist cell “the Base” and began early recruiting efforts for the Green Brigade on iFunny. His account reached more than 700 subscribers on the app before it was finally deleted. It is likely that his reach would have continued to grow if his account was not mentioned in an article by VICE in November 2019. The Laissez-faire moderation of iFunny makes it easily susceptible to far-right networking and recruiting. William Rehm IV used the meme-sharing app iFunny to share a video from the burning mink farm in Sweden (outlined in red). He also shared recruiting material from the paramilitary neo-Nazi group the Base. William managed to make nearly 800 posts on iFunny before the moderators of the app took action against his account. An archive of the account can be accessed here.
William Rehm IV posts a death threat targeting a journalist for VICE on the Green Brigade Telegram channel.
William Rehm IV AKA “TheEcologist” admits to making the propaganda for the Green Brigade, some of which includes photos of himself.
The Green Brigade received little in the way of media attention, but statements in one article particularly got under William’s skin. The article in question, published by VICE, connected the arson attack in Sweden to the Base and described the Green Brigade as “an eco-fascist cell within The Base.” On the Telegram channel for the Green Brigade, William went into length defending his group’s autonomy and insisting that Norman Spear AKA Rinaldo Nazzaro was not a federal plant. The rant ended with a call for attacks against the system: “I will train with firearms, explosives, knives, Ryder trucks, and anything else I have to to destroy this KIKE SYSTEM THAT IS GENOCIDING MY People.” Training with “Ryder trucks” is a reference to the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.In a lengthy Telegram rant, William Rehm IV’s Green Brigade denies connections to the Base. However, multiple Nazis affiliated with the Green Brigade were also members of the Base.
William Rehm IV AKA “Werwolf” tells members of the Fascist Forge General Wire chat that his Green Brigade (GB) was not affiliated with the Base, as suggested in the VICE article.
William Rehm IV’s Green Brigade calls for “PURE UNADULTERATED ARYAN VIOLENCE” at the end of a rant about the Base.
Telegram Activity
In addition to the Green Brigade, William Rehm IV helped run three eco-fascist channels on Telegram. Eco-fascism is a growing ideological subset of the fascist movement. Eco-fascism combines concerns of ecological collapse with Malthusian tropes, neo-Nazi occultism, and the rejection of civilization. Eco-fascists draw on fascist thinkers like Savitri Devi, James Mason, and Pentti Linkola, and borrow ideas from anarcho-primitivist figures on the left. The Christchurch gunman identified with eco-fascism, and eco-fascist themes appeared in the manifesto of the gunman who killed 22 people in El Paso. “Eco-Fascist Central” is the largest channel that William helped administer, with over 2,300 members. The channel is a one stop shop for Ted Kaczynski memes, Swastika emblazoned nature photos, and calls for mass murder. The channel is still active despite William’s departure. William was an admin on at least two more neo-Nazi Telegram channels; one called “Esoteric Ecology” with some 700+ members, and one called “MISANTHROPIK MAYHEM” with 300+ members. “MISANTHROPIK MAYHEM” is William’s more extreme channel, which features propaganda from Feuerkrieg Division, Sonnekrieg Division, Atomwaffen Division, and the Base. Other posts encourage the murder of minorities and law enforcement. William Rehm IV is admin on at least three eco-fascist Telegram channels.
Some of the posts from William Rehm IV’s Telegram channel “MISANTHROPIK MAYHEM.” Posts advertise for Atomwaffen Division, the Base, and various other accelerationist groups.
William also moderated a heavily infiltrated chat for his Telegram channel “Esoteric Ecology.” The chat featured members of numerous neo-Nazi groups including the Feuerkrieg Division and the Base. Dillon Hopper, founder of the neo-Nazi group Vanguard America, was a part of the “Esoteric Ecology” Telegram chat. Hopper is being sued for his role in the deadly 2017 “Unite the Right” protest, where James Alex Fields drove his car into a crowd of anti-racists, killing Heather Heyer. Zephyr Garrison, a teenage member of the Base and founder of “Natural Order” was also active in William’s chat. Messages posted in the chat offer some insight into William Rehm IV’s personal life, financial struggles, and desire to “go feral.”William Rehm IV kicked Dillon Hopper, leader of the Nazi group “Vanguard America,” from the Telegram chat for his channel “Esoteric Ecology.” Vanguard America broke a part after the 2017 Charlottesville rally, when James Alex Fields Jr. rammed his vehicle into a crowd of anti-racists. James Alex Fields Jr. was pictured marching with Vanguard America during the rally. Following the attack, Vanguard America was rebranded to “Patriot Front” by Thomas Rousseau.
William Rehm IV suggests terror bombings as a way to “subvert the current kike system.”
William Rehm IV AKA “TheEcologist” tells members of the “Esoteric Ecology” Telegram chat that he wishes to go feral.
William tells other members of his Telegram chat that he is unemployed and struggling financially.
William Rehm IV shares his financial struggles with members of his Telegram chat in early February. He received assistance from his fashy pals, as seen in this Venmo transaction.
After William left Telegram, members of his deserted chat room speculated about his whereabouts and status. Some worry that he may be locked up, others think that he may have gone fully primitive.
On February 23rd, William announced via “Esoteric Ecology” that he would be “leaving Telegram for an indefinite amount of time.” Posts on both “Esoteric Ecology” and on “MISANTHROPIK MAYHEM” end by February 26th, suggesting that William took a final leave of absence from Telegram. William also shared that he was facing financial issues and was receiving assistance from other neo-Nazis. However, we believe that William Rehm IV is still actively organizing with neo-Nazis and should be considered dangerous.
Fascist Forge Chat
Although William Rehm IV left the Base in mid-January 2020, he continued to organize with many Base members and several high-profile members of the Atomwaffen Division in a Wire chat called “Fascist Forge General Chat.” The Wire chat was created by “Mathias” AKA “Mikrotheos,” a California Base member and the founder and administrator of “Fascist Forge” website. Fascist Forge was brought online in early 2018, and acted as a busy Nazi recruitment forum, aiding the growth of accelerationist neo-Nazi cell groups. The site is currently inactive. The Fascist Forge General Wire chat has roughly 40 members, including many current and former members of the Base. A number of high-profile Atomwaffen Division members were also in the chat, like Kaleb James Cole, John Cameron Denton, and Wade Mendisabal. About one in four of the participants in the Wire chat can be considered lone wolves.
William Rehm IV AKA “Werwolf” was a part of the Fascist Forge Wire chat created by a California Base member “Mathias,” pictured here wearing a skull mask. Cameron Shea AKA “Krokodil” believes that Mathias vets strictly.
We learn many things about William Rehm’s personal life and plans from the Fascist Forge Wire chat. William has a three year old child, likely living in Iowa, that he has never seen nor has contact with. He claims to have been disqualified from the National Guard for mental health reasons. Two of his close friends from high school are rapists and were sentenced to jail time in 2015 for repeated convenience store robberies and attacking a store clerk. We learn that William was focused on compiling all the essays on the neo-Nazi website Siege Culture/Kultur into a PDF, with plans to publish them as a hardbound book. Perhaps most notably, we learn that William Rehm IV sought to purchase a long gun in February 2020. His application for this purchase was initially flagged and delayed, which caused him to consider taking his “bug out bag” and running. Delays are not uncommon in the background check process and it is very likely that William was able to obtain the gun. His father already owns 12 firearms, so we must consider William to be armed and dangerous.William Rehm IV tells other members of the Fascist Forge Wire chat about the child he abandoned.
William Rehm IV was friends with Timothy Harris and Austin Mendler when they were arrested for robbing a Plaid Pantry in Beaverton, Oregon, in 2015. William also recalls that they committed a rape.
William Rehm IV confesses his preoccupation with incest sexual fantasies and “step-mom porn.”
When William Rehm IV attempted to buy a gun in February 2020, his transaction was marked as “delayed.” Since William is under the age of 21, he is only eligible to purchase a long gun in the state of Oregon.
William Rehm IV has the same full name as his father, William Rehm III, who goes by “Bill.” Name mix-ups can slow the background check process.
William Rehm IV, fearing that he has been flagged by a federal agency, asks if he should go on the run.
As the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the United States, William Rehm IV discussed multiple plans and living arrangement scenarios with Washington state Atomwaffen Division member Cameron Brandon Shea. Shea, AKA “Krokodil,” had been employed as an Emergency Medical Technician and was living in a motel following a divorce from his wife before he was arrested for taking part in an Atomwaffen Division operation targeting journalists. William Rehm considered inviting Shea down to stay with him one weekend while his parents were away from their home on SW Gleneden Drive in Beaverton, Oregon.
Cameron Brandon Shea AKA “Krokodil” was divorced shortly before his arrest.
William Rehm IV AKA “Werwolf” jokes about inviting Cameron Shea to live with him. William was last known to be living at his parents’ house in Beaverton, Oregon.
William Rehm discussed, in detail, plans to relocate to a neo-Nazi compound somewhere along the border of Michigan and Wisconsin. This compound is the making of a 19 year-old Base member who uses the aliases “Druhtinaz” and “AK.” According to “Druhtinaz,” the neo-Nazi compound, in its early planning, is in the “upper peninsula of Michigan” and he describes it as being a “white ethnostate minus one indian reserve of 3k . . . on the border with Wisconsin.” The location has one “rickety ass bridge connecting it to the lower peninsula” and is along the “largest body of freshwater reserves in the world.” He plans on purchasing land and houses at the start of the summer and intends to recruit more residents. William Rehm IV hoped to sell an inherited comic book collection for thousands of dollars to pay for his move. U.S. federal law enforcement has reportedly been made aware of this compound when “Druhtinaz” divulged information to a federal agent within the Base while he was advertising the project.
“Druhtinaz” AKA “AK” shares the timeline for his neo-Nazi compound. William Rehm IV AKA “Werwolf” plans to join him on the compound by selling his inheritance.
“Druhtinaz” plans to purchase houses in the upper peninsula of Michigan and fortify them. He already has chosen William Rehm IV for the project.
William Franklin Rehm IV gave many clues to community members indicating he is a neo-Nazi. In the winter of 2019, he took a U.S. Government class at Portland Community College (likely Rock Creek campus) and wrote a “think piece” for his instructor that outlined his appreciation for National Socialism. William cites from ‘super-fascist’ Julius Evola and ends with a quote from Oswald Mosley: “Fascism is the greatest crusade that has ever been undertaken.” Should this declaration not prompt further questioning from his instructor? William engaged in other blatant acts signalling his fascist ideology; wearing Misanthropic Division apparel to the gym and greeting his physical therapist with a sieg heil. Did William’s parents, who should know him best, not take notice of his neo-Nazi tshirts and established, pro-fascist library? The warning signs of William’s radicalization stretched across multiple facets of his daily life. William’s case, similar to countless others, fits into a broader pattern of isolation and youth radicalization that must be addressed if we are to make any progress preventing the growth of fascism and additional mass murders. It is essential that we consider the obligation of the community and familial contacts as we examine the threats William Rehm IV, and others just like him, pose to society.
William has spent the bulk of the last year communicating closely and organizing with high-profile members of the Atomwaffen Division and the Base in private chats. Many of the members he chatted with have been arrested for planning or engaging in terrorist acts. In addition, William promoted eco-fascism and called for eco-fascist themed violence through various Telegram channels and chats. William Franklin Rehm IV should be considered armed and has access to at least a dozen firearms. We believe he is an active danger to the community.
Call to Action!
We encourage readers to contact Portland Community College and ask that they take action against William Franklin Rehm IV. You can contact the dean of students by email: vivian.miranda(at)pcc(dot)edu
Here is some information to consider:
- William Franklin Rehm IV is an active neo-Nazi (a self proclaimed eco-fascist) and has claimed involvement with a number of accelerationist neo-Nazi groups like the Base which have been linked to terror plots in the United States.
- William Franklin Rehm IV directly violated the “Code of Student Conduct,” Sections K and H. William recorded a video of a student in his class and sent the video to a encrypted neo-Nazi chat, where he banters with Kaleb Cole and Cameron Shea about it, and wrote (referring to the student visible in the video) “Fucking bugman playing video games on his pc while I’m over here reading iom.”
William Franklin Rehm IV violates the code of student conduct by recording and uploading a video recorded in his PCC class on Thursday, February 20, 2020. This video is shared in the Fascist Forge General Wire chat and viewed by Kaleb Cole, Cameron Shea, and other neo-Nazis.
Name: William Franklin Rehm IV
Birthdate: 10/17/1999
Last known address: 15445 SW Gleneden Drive, Beaverton, Oregon 97007
School: Portland Community College
If you have information about William Franklin Rehm IV or other neo-Nazi activity in your area, please contact us by email at: EugeneAntifa(at)protonmail(dot)com
Throughout this article, we employ the terms “terrorism” and “terrorist.” We would like to note that “terrorism” is defined by the state, and the language of terrorism has long been used to repress anarchists and others who actively question and threaten to upset capitalism and the settler-colonial State.
We reject the trend by fascists to fetishize environmentalism; their claims of ecological awareness are shallow and we encourage their expulsion from all organizing spaces. We stand by the actions of the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), anarchist eco-militants worldwide, and the land struggles of all indigenous people.

Email: eugeneantifa [at] protonmail [dot] com