After a long term, intensive investigation into an international neo-Nazi terrorist network calling itself the Feuerkrieg Division (FKD), we have compiled a detailed report which provides an overview of the network’s ideology, history, structure, membership, activity, and legal entanglements. This lengthy report features numerous profiles of former and current members. Area antifascist crews, researchers, and respected journalists are encouraged to reach out to us at eugeneantifa [at] protonmail [dot] com for additional information.
History of FKD
Feuerkrieg Division (FKD) is an international neo-Nazi terrorist organization which has modeled itself after the US based neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division. The group’s membership spans at least 15 countries and its members range from age 14 to 40. To date, many of its members have been arrested, yet the remaining 30 or so continue to organize with the ultimate aim of exterminating non-Whites and executing terrorist acts in order to spark a system collapse and race war.
The Feuerkrieg Division found its start on October 20, 2018 as an online accelerationist, Siege-type neo-Nazi group. FKD was created by a fascist from Estonia going by “Commander” and a fascist from the Netherlands, “Wolfram.” To our knowledge, the two never met in real life. For reasons unknown to us, by June 2019, “Wolfram” had dropped from the group he helped to co-create. It is unclear if he left the group or was pushed out. Following Commander’s controversial exit, a member using the alias “Azazel” quickly took lead of the remaining members. “Azazel” shared his leadership role with a high school student from Spokane, WA who operated as “Berserker” (AKA Genosside; AKA AnCap Nick), despite currently being under investigation for his targeting of a Spokane church with FKD propaganda.
On January 15th, 2020, a message was posted on the official Feuerkrieg Division Telegram channel which announced a pause in “recruiting operations for an undefined amount of time.” The message came after a string of arrests and paranoia within the group. Another announcement went out over the FKD Telegram channel on February 8, 2020, claiming that FKD was officially dissolving. However, antifascist infiltration efforts reveal that this was misinformation. Inside official chats hosted on the secure messaging program Riot, members were busy brainstorming a catchy new name for their neo-Nazi terror group. Members intentionally put out messages on Telegram as an attempt to distance the group from its ongoing legal entanglements. Although a new name for the same group has not yet been decided on, a new structure has been discussed. The “new” Feuerkrieg Division would be tiered, consisting of a more mainstream public facing group that could appeal to centrists and conservatives, and an internal “strike team” made up of long term members who are willing to carry out acts of violence. This internal group would attempt to “Siege-pill” and recruit new members from the mainstream right pool.
Wolfram: Netherlands

“Wolfram” was interviewed by “Gadsden” on January 6, 2019. Listen here
“Wolfram” is a neo-fascist accelerationist living in the Netherlands. He connected with “Commander” on a Dutch nationalist Discord server where they networked with other neo-Nazis and recruited for what would eventually be referred to as the Feuerkrieg Division. “Wolfram” sought to create a world wide national socialist organization whose members would move beyond the online world and “do stuff.” Wolfram had difficulty “finding enough Siege pilled people in the Netherlands,” and this may explain his mysterious departure from the group. It is unknown to us if he continues to organize with neo-Nazis, or if he should be considered a potential lone wolf risk.

“Gadsden” reminds FKD members that he interviewed “Wolfram”
Most of what we know about “Wolfram” comes from a rambling interview from early 2019. The interview is conducted by “Gadsden,” a neo-Nazi podcaster who has featured numerous high profile fascists on his show called “The Green Pill Perspective.” He is 22 years old who lives on the east coast of the United States. While he was in the official Feuerkrieg Division chats for a short while, he contended that he was merely a supporter eager to do podcasts for the group and rejected that he was ever an official member. “Gadsden” never made any additional podcasts for FKD and after he received numerous complaints about his taste in anime, “Gadsden” left the groups chats.
Commander: Estonia

“Commander,” co-founder of FKD resides in Estonia
The co-founder of Feuerkrieg Division most currently uses the alias “Commander” on social media, but has also used the names “Noz,” “British Fascist,” and “Kriegsherr.” His current location seems to be Kuressaare, a town on the Estonian island of Saaremaa. Based on his chat history, our research leads us to believe that he is between the age of 14 and 19. [Update: Mikk Salu has confirmed “Commander” to be a 13 year old Estonian resident.] Commander considers himself a British Nationalist and to be of German and Estonian ethnicity. In the official FKD chats, “Commander” hints that he might be responsible for the vandalism of a Jewish cemetery in Tallinn.

“Commander” shares a photo of his gear, including a new automatic rifle that he claims to have acquired from a cousin who lives in the USA

“Commander” seeks organizational advice from The Base leader Rinaldo Nazzaro aka “Roman”

Members of Feuerkrieg Division discuss forming alliances with Atomwaffen Division and The Base

“Commander” threatens to kill his sister and his sister’s boyfriend
In early January 2020, members of Feuerkrieg Division were informed by current leaders “Azazel” and “Berserker” that law enforcement had questioned “Commander,” seized some of his neo-Nazi related material and his electronic devices, and had instructed him to remove himself from the neo-Nazi group. In exchange, “Commander” would not have to serve any jail time.
Azazel: Florida, USA

“Azazel,” FKD’s new co-leader is based in Florida, USA
The new co-leader of Feuerkrieg Division “Azazel” claims to be a student studying computer programming in Florida. “Azazel” has also used the alias “Goose,” and seems to be responsible for the racist flyering which occurred at the University of North Florida in early November of 2019. As the new co-leader of FKD, “Azazel” is swaying the group to appeal to more centrists, Christians, members of the military and law enforcement as potential recruits.
Berserker: Spokane, Washington

“Berserker” aka “Genosside” aka “Ancap Nick” is the new co-leader of FKD. He resides in Spokane, Washington USA
“Berserker” is a is a half Indian neo-Nazi who goes to Meade High School in Spokane, Washington.
While he goes by several aliases, we will simply opt to call him “Nick.” Nick joined Feuerkrieg Division in September of 2019. In October 2019, Nick put up several racist, Feuerkrieg Division flyers in the neighborhood which is home to a Baptist church with a predominantly Black congregation. This event garnered high media and law enforcement attention. Due to the subsequent attention this event attracted, Nick soon found himself in trouble with his parents and the school administration at the high school he attends. This response did not deter Nick and on Halloween he posted flyers in Spokane bearing the white supremacist slogan “It’s Okay to Be White.” In the following month, it became clear that law enforcement was investigating Nick’s flyering. Nick received a 10 day suspension from his high school, his father insisted that Nick throw away his “third reich flag and copy of Mein Kampf,” and finally, Nick took a several week long break from the group. Nick rejoined Feuerkrieg Division in late December of 2019, just days before it was reported that “Commander” had been confronted by law enforcement. In early January 2020, Nick, as “Berserker,” had positioned himself as the new co-leader of the international neo-Nazi terror organization.

“Berserker” is called into the Vice Principal’s office at Meade High School in Spokane, Washington

“Berserker” informs “Commander” that he is being investigated by law enforcement
Feldmeijer: Netherlands

“Feldmeijer” of the Netherlands takes leadership of FKD in late February 2020
[UPDATE] Within two days of the publication of this report, Taylor Ashley Parker-Dipeppe aka “Azazel” is arrested and Nick aka “Berserker” abandons Feuerkrieg Division. The neo-Nazi group is only temporarily left leaderless before another member from the Netherlands positions himself as the new leader. “Feldmeijer,” who has also used the alias “zegiklekkerniet,” is from England but is living in the Netherlands as a student. He claims to be proficient in computer skills and has been working on a website, file sharing server, and new chat platform for the group.
Feuerkrieg Division began in a fairly typical manner for a fascist group. For most of its existence, “Commander” was the sole leader of the group and every decision needed his approval. While he, and even the membership, might say that it was a leaderless group, this is clearly untrue. “Commander” held every password to every account and had ultimate decision over all optics and organizational movements. His removal from the group was a powerful blow and it is unlikely that the group can recover. As the new leaders “Azazel” and “Berserker” volley to steer the group in a meaningful direction, the group is becoming more frayed and unstable. Many members have already jumped ship and linked up with other adjacent neo-Nazi groups. In fact, most members of the group were already cross-involved with other neo-Nazi formations without the leadership’s knowledge.
Like most neo-Nazi groups, FKD is divided among geographical lines to form autonomous and localized cells capable of meeting up in person and carrying out actions on behalf of the group.
Most cells only have one or two members, and the distance is significant between each. This prevents the group from pulling off any mass mobilization or activity but lends itself to the increased possibility of lone wolf attacks.
Since its inception, close to 80 members have worked their way through the revolving door that is the Feuerkrieg Division. At the time of this publication, the group has around 30 active members. Half of the membership resides in the US, primarily the Northeast region of the country. Germany, the UK, and the Netherlands have the most members outside of the United States.
Feuerkrieg Division members are overwhelmingly young, with most members in their teens or early twenties. Many are still in high school. This falls in line with a larger pattern of youth indoctrination and recruitment efforts by accelerationist neo-Nazi groups. The online and seemingly low risk nature of FKD and similar groups attracts a young and violent base eager to network with and urge on other neo-Nazis. Many early members of Feuerkrieg Division joined the group from recruitment efforts via online gaming chat platforms such as Steam and Discord. Feuerkrieg Division adjacent Telegram channels, created or already frequented by existing members of FKD, are a more frequent forum for funneling potential recruits.
Most members of Feuerkrieg Division have not met in person or trained with other members. Ultimately, no physical commitment is needed to join this group, but there remains a sense of belonging and participation when other members do act. Members encourage each other in the neo-fascist lifestyle and offer tips for carrying out attacks; the ease of regular engagement with other neo-Nazis online is a cesspool breeding the next mass shooter.
Unlike Alt-Right groups, which clamber for mainstream support and sway, accelerationist neo-Nazi cells have no desire to play a game of optics, aside from maintaining an aesthetic of pure violence and hatred.

Red states indicate areas of Feuerkrieg Division membership in the U.S.A.

Membership for Feuerkrieg Division has included individuals in the USA, Canada, Australia, and in numerous countries depicted in red in the above map.
The Feuerkrieg Division has not yet been publicly linked to many terrorist attacks and crimes. However, there are several crimes that have been reported on by the media which were carried out by FKD members. There are several international FKD members going through the criminal justice system who have not yet been publicly linked to FKD. Our research has revealed evidence, however, that links individual members to specific crimes. We anticipate our report will bring a new awareness to communities and help prevent any future actions by members of FKD.

A Feuerkrieg Division member in the Netherlands using the alias “Luftwaffe_Wilhelm” flyers as part of his recruitment requirements
Flyering with group-specific propaganda is a standard introduction and often a requirement for new recruits. Most of Feuerkrieg Division propaganda can be viewed on a now stale FKD Telegram channel. Some members have tagged locations with FKD inspired graffiti, swastikas, or similar racist symbology. Arguably the most concerning activity members participate in includes constructing homemade firearms and explosives, testing out and setting homemade bombs, and plotting to burn and attack synagogues. In some cases, threats to courts and law enforcement has backfired on members. Threats to murder non-Whites are prolific within the group’s communications and members even brag about committing assaults against non-White individuals.

A Feuerkrieg Division member in the USA puts up propaganda as a requirement for new recruits
Our research has revealed there have been very few “in real life” meet-ups among Feuerkrieg Division members and most of the members have never met another member of the same group they belong to. There are a few exceptions. Perhaps the very first known meet up of Feuerkrieg Division was in early January, 2019 in Estonia as reported by journalist and filmaker Jake Hanrahan. The cell in the United Kingdom, which is presently comprised of 4 members, has met to produce propaganda for the group. A cell in the USA, comprised of members located along the Northeastern coast, has met at least twice: once in Boston and another time in central New Jersey. On at least one of those occasions, members were briefly detained by law enforcement in what may have been a targeted stop. The Northeastern coast cell in the USA is the largest and most active in the United States and should continue to be tracked closely.

Two members of the FKD cell in the United Kingdom, “DeGrelle” and “Freikorp,” meet up for a photo shoot

“EksD” and another member of Feuerkrieg Division meet up in Estonia to test homemade explosives. They are pictured here with an Atomwaffen Division flag.

“Commander” continues to be triggered whenever FKD is referenced as a Baltics cell of Atomwaffen Division.
EksD: Lithuania
“EksD” is a long term member of Feuerkrieg Division. He is 20 years old and recently moved out of his parents’ home. He lives in Lithuania and briefly attended a military academy. “EksD” produced a bulk of the Feuerkrieg Division propaganda and created a “shitposting” FKD chat on the secure messaging platform Wire for the group. His introduction on the neo-fascist website chat forum “Fascist Forge” tells us he became “redpilled” in early 2018 when “Atomwaffen became famous.” This is a reference to the numerous murders Atomwaffen Division members committed which were highly covered in the media. “EksD” seems to have made contact with various neo-Nazi organizations including Skydas and Atomwaffen Division; he may have been involved with them prior to FKD. “EksD” sports a Liber333 patch from Martinet Press (a neo-Nazi linked publishing house heavily into the occult of the Order of Nine Angles) and owns an Atomwaffen Division flag. This suggests that he has had contact with the US based neo-Nazi terror organization.
“EksD” has several homemade firearms and explosives projects, including a homemade shotgun, ammunition, and firearm pieces. “EksD” pursued purchasing blank guns from other members in the group and having them shipped to him in Lithuania. Perhaps the most extreme action “EksD” was involved in was the attack on a Technopolis building in Lithuania. Local media reported a large swastika was spray painted on the side of the building and a bomb was placed at the entrance. Fortunately, the bomb did not detonate. About a week after this action, “EksD” rejoined the group’s Wire chat. Feuerkrieg Division moved communications from Wire to Riot in late November 2019 and “EksD” did not join the official Riot chat. In mid January 2020, chatter within the group suggested “EksD” had been arrested.

“EksD” brandishes one of his homemade firearms

After taking a short leave from the FKD chat to carry out a bombing, “EksD” returns

An Atomwaffen Division flag can be seen in the background of this photo “EksD” posts in the group chat
Dylan Daube: New York
Dylan Daube is a 17 year old (DOB 10/18/2002) student at Miller Place High School and a member of the Feuerkrieg Division. Dylan lives with his mother and step-father in the very White, upper class hamlet in Suffolk County, New York called Miller Place. His parents divorced several years ago, and his father visits on weekends. Dylan’s mother is licensed in New York state as a licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW). His step-father is a retired cop who worked in the New York Police Department (NYPD). Dylan is the eldest of three brothers and is in his Junior year of high school at Miller Place High School.

Dylan Daube of Miller Place, New York; AKA “Dylan” AKA “a_lost_rhodesian.”

Dylan Daube AKA “a_lost_rhodesian” brags to “Commander” that his town is 95 percent White and that he can own a firearm. Other members, like arrested Croatian FKD member “buntovnik” joke about illegal firearms. US Census data shows that Miller Place is 94.2% White.

Through his Miller Place High School Spanish class (and his parents funding), Dylan went on a summer trip to Spain and France in the summer of 2019. Dylan tells other FKD members about this in the chat. Dylan was active in the FKD chat during this trip.

A small sample of the vile views espoused by Dylan Daube on FKD’s Wire group chat (“Dylan” in both pictures).
Within the Feuerkrieg Division chats, housed first on Wire and then on Riot, Dylan chats with other ultra-violent neo-Nazis. He used the display name “Dylan” on Wire and “a_lost_rhodesian” on Riot. The Riot username bears a resemblance to “The Last Rhodesian,” the manifesto of racist mass murderer Dylann Roof. Rhodesia was a white supremacist regime that was defeated in 1979 (in what is now Zimbabwae) but is still fetishized by Nazis to this day. Dylan Daube writes to other members about his desire to murder Black people and other members encourage him to commit acts of terror. Daube produced a number of propaganda photos for the group, brandishing a firearm in some, which was likely acquired from his ex-NYPD cop step-father. In other photos, Daube holds a small noose in his left hand while raising his right arm in Nazi salute. Daube talks about his land owned by his family, and members inquire about using this land for weapons training, channeling their Base counterparts. Daube asks other members about explosives, hoping to harvest powder from bullets to make and detonate a bomb in the forest.

Dylan Daube gives a Nazi salute in front of his “Rhodesia” flag. Rhodesia worship is common of neo-Nazis and white supremacists, like church shooter Dylann Roof (right).

Members of Feuerkrieg Division encourage Dylan to kill non-White people at the airport. Dylan’s full name is visible in this screenshot. Dylan was at the airport over the summer for a school trip to Spain and France.

Dylan receives advice on opening a bullet to make explosives. Other members offer tips.

Feuerkrieg Division member “Diabeetus Jim” inquires about using some of Dylan Daube’s family’s land for weapons training, to which Dylan is supportive.

Dylan Daube produced a number of photos for Feuerkrieg Division propaganda purposes. In the top right image, Dylan can be seen aiming a single-shot shotgun. All photos have had their brightness increased for visual clarity.
Dylan Daube is obsessed with Italian fascist thinker Julius Evola. Evola was an occultist who yearned for a “really absolute Fascism, made of pure force,” and railed against “modernity.” The writings of Julius Evola continue to have influence over the modern fascist movement, from Alexander Dugin to Steve Bannon. Atomwaffen Division member and murderer Samuel Woodward also appears to have been radicalized in part by an Evolian IFunny network. On Instagram, Dylan Daube frequently uses the phrase “revolt against the modern world,” the title of Julius Evola’s 1934 book. Despite his cult-like worship of Evola, Dylan admits on his Telegram channel that he has only read some random pages from Evola’s Revolt Against the Modern World. Dylan’s girlfriend, Emily Hoth, (also a student at Miller Place High School) seems to share some of Dylan’s fascist politics and attachment to Julius Evola. In photos posted to Instagram, Emily can also be seen wearing Dylan’s Atomwaffen Division-esque ski mask.

Pictures from Dylan Daube’s personal Instagram show his affinity for Evola (or the aesthetic of Evola, rather). This photo has been edited to make the writing more visible.

Emily Hoth displays a sign that reads “Revolt Against the Modern World,” a nod to fascist thinker Julius Evola. Dylan Daube comments his approval on the post.

Emily Hoth uploaded this photo to Instagram where she wears the same mask that her partner Dylan Daube wore for his Feuerkrieg Division photoshoot.

Dylan Daube AKA “Totaler Kulturkrieg” admits that he has not read Evola’s book in his Telegram channel.
Although Feuerkrieg Division mainly used secure messaging tools to communicate, membership frequently spilled over into other platforms like the gaming app Discord, a long time favorite of neo-Nazis and the Nazi-infested app Telegram. Dylan Daube took the lead in setting up a Discord channel for members of Feuerkrieg Division in July 2019, which he named “????inest of ????in” (Finest of Kin). The server was advertised on popular neo-Nazi forums like 4Chan, as Feuerkrieg Division members hoped to “funnel” alt-right wanderers into their accelerationist terror cell. The server did not surpass two dozen members and did not grow in a stable fashion. Following the posted links, non-accelerationist fascists wandered into the server and were interrogated about Siege and related literature.

Dylan talks to other members of Feuerkrieg Division about creating a Discord that can act as a “funnel” to draw in Nazis to FKD. Other members question the safety of organizing on Discord.

Members of Dylan’s “Finest of Kin” Discord server share their feelings about O9A, the Order of Nine Angles. O9A is an anti-Semitic satanist strand that has been embraced by the neo-Nazi terror group Atomwaffen Division.

Dylan Daube AKA “Dylan” ushers members of the Feuerkrieg Division Wire chat into his Discord server, “Finest of Kin.”

Dylan Daube interacts with other neo-Nazis on the “Finest of Kin” Discord server, who encourage the murder of federal law enforcement. Dylan’s step-father is a former cop who worked for the NYPD.
Dylan was more successful with his neo-Nazi and Feuerkrieg Division aligned Telegram channel. The channel, currently called “The Wheat Field,” is reaching upwards of 200 neo-Nazi members. Members discuss accelerationism, weapons, and the “boogaloo,” a term used by neo-Nazis to refer to an armed insurrection against the United States government. Members share files from the defunct international fascist website “IronMarch” and translated documents from Hitler’s Schutzstaffel. Dylan used the username “Totaler Kulturkrieg” on Telegram, German for “Total Culture War.” He also created Instagram accounts to advertise the Telegram channel, like “total_culture_war” and “despair_code.” Many participants in Dylan’s Telegram channel fantasized about the possibility of violence in the lead up to the January 20, 2020 rally against proposed gun bills in Richmond, Virginia. Members of the Base were arrested ahead of this rally for planning to commit an attack with a machine gun.

Dylan’s Telegram channel grew by absorbing another large Nazi telegram chat. Dylan is “Totaler KulturKrieg” on Telegram.

Dylan Daube and other Telegram members fantasize about a mass firefight at the Richmond, VA rally that would leave “30-50 dead cops.”

Dylan does not want his Telegram channel to turn into another Feuerkrieg Division channel. He was still an admin on the Feuerkrieg Division Telegram account, though he left the Riot chat.

Dylan used Instagram to advertise his Telegram channel. Note the Evola-like quote in the bio of “total_culture_war.”
Lugar: New York

“Lugar” aka “siegheil_88” is a Feuerkrieg Division member residing in New York, USA
“Lugar” aka “siegheil_88” is a long time Feuerkrieg Division member. He lives in the Bronx and is in his 40’s, making him one of the oldest members of the group. “Lugar” is a steadfast neo-Nazi and has met up at least twice with other Feuerkrieg Division members in his area. He regularly encourages “activism” and meet-ups. In the online chats, “Lugar” discusses possible terror attacks and his desire to rid the world of “degenerates.”

In the FKD chats, Jarrett Smith aka “Anti-Kosmik” gives “Lugar” advice on possible terror attack plans
Prometheus_88: New Jersey

“Prometheus_88” is a Feuerkrieg Division member living in New Jersey, USA
“Prometheus_88” is a newer member of Feuerkrieg Division and is ethnically Polish. He joined the group at the end of December 2019 and lives in central New Jersey with his parents. “Prometheus_88” has numerous high powered firearms, a silencer, and lower receivers. He posted explosives recipes and “do it yourself automatic shotgun” conversion directions in the chats. “Prometheus_88” is connected in real life to other area neo-Nazis and has attended at least one official FKD meet up. Our research indicates that “Prometheus_88” may have also been, or may still be, a member of the neo-Nazi terror organization ” the Base”.

“Prometheus_88” poses with his gear in front of a Confederate flag

“Prometheus_88” shows off his collection of firearms
Arrested Members
Several high profile arrests of Feuerkrieg Division members have taken place in the United States. Our research confirms that Conor Climo and Jarrett Smith were members of the Feuerkrieg Division and active in the official group chats at the time of their arrests.
[Note: Just hours after the original publication of this report, “Azazel” was identified as Taylor Ashley Parker-Dipeppe in legal documents stemming from the coordinated arrests of several high profile neo-Nazis. Parker-Dipeppe was arrested in this round up and is currently being held.]
Conor Climo: Nevada

Conor Climo aka “Ben Dover” was a Feuerkrieg Division member at the time of his arrest
Conor Climo is a 24 year old neo-Nazi who was living in Las Vegas, Nevada at the time of his arrest. He briefly served in the US Army Reserve as a Combat Engineer and was employed as a security guard when he was arrested in early August 2019 on charges stemming from threats of domestic terrorism. Climo used the alias “Ben Dover” in the Feuerkrieg Division chats and was removed from chats on August 9, 2019, after his arrest. He was branded a traitor by the group because he told law enforcement he was not a member of Feuerkrieg Division. On February 10, 2020, Climo plead guilty to “one count of possession of an unregistered firearm — specifically, the component parts of a destructive device.” Prior to his arrest, Climo was planning to join the National Guard and move to Croatia. Climo was coordinating with other local neo-Nazis in order to attack a synagogue in his area. It is uncertain whether his accomplices have been identified or if these plans have been aborted.

Climo aka “Ben” has a contact who was planning to attack a synagogue

Climo aka “Ben” discusses his plans to coordinate an attack on a synagogue in the FKD chats

Members react to the arrest of FKD member Conor Climo. He is immediately removed from the group chat and branded a traitor.
Jarrett Smith: Kansas

Jarrett Smith aka “Anti-Kosmik” was a member of Feuerkrieg Division at the time of his arrest
Jarrett Smith aka “Anti-Kosmik” is a 24 year old resident of Newbury, Kansas. He was a member of the US Army and Feuerkrieg Division at the time of his arrest in September 2019. In February of 2020, he plead guilty to “two counts of distributing information related to explosives, destructive devices and weapons of mass destruction.” Smith’s discussions in the group’s chat reveal he was connected with Misanthropic Division (MD) and encouraged the Feuerkrieg Division to partner with them. He told the group he was connected to former Azov Batallion members and planned to organize a local MD group in the Kansas City area. The chats also reveal that Jarrett Smith was plotting to blow up Martinet Press, an Order of Nine Angles based publishing house linked to neo-Nazi activity. Martinet Press is owned and operated by Jillian Hoy and Joshua Sutter and is located in South Carolina. Hoy and Sutter’s faction of the Order of Nine Angles is widely known as the Temple of Blood (ToB). Both Hoy and Sutter have close contacts with Atomwaffen Division; Sutter is a confirmed member of Atomwaffen Division.

Jarrett Smith aka “Anti-Kosmik” announces he will be starting a chapter of Misanthropic Division in Kansas

Smith aka “Anti-Kosmik” admits he put Atomwaffen Division members Andrew Oneschuk and Jeremy Himmelman in touch with someone who could assist them in traveling to the Ukraine in order to fight with Right Sector

Smith aka “Anti-Kosmik” describes the subtle differences between the Order of Nine Angles (O9A) and Temple of Blood (ToB). He admits he has run recon on the property.

Smith aka “Anti-Kosmik” describes the trailer that Martinet Press operates out of in South Carolina

Smith aka “Anti-Kosmik” explains that Temple of Blood took over Atomwaffen Division

Smith aka “Anti-Kosmik” specifies Hoy and Sutter live in the trailer where Martinet Press operates out of

Jarrett Smith aka “Anti-Kosmik” was removed from the FKD chat group two days after his arrest
Group Connections
Feuerkrieg Division members have had close connections with and been inspired by multiple neo-Nazi organizations around the world including the Atomwaffen Division, the Base,
Skydas, Sinine Aratus, Iron Youth, the Order, Blood and Honour, the Creativity Movement, and the European Liberation Movement. Many members of Feuerkrieg Division were also cross involved in Atomwaffen Division and the Base often unbeknownst to the leader “Commander.” Some claimed membership in all three groups: the Base, AWD, and FKD.
Noah Lycul: Croatia

Noah Lycul aka “Buntovnik” is a FKD member living in Croatia
Noah Lycul is a 17 year old neo-Nazi living in Croatia. Under the alias “buntovnik” he was active in the Feuerkrieg Division and is well connected with other area neo-Nazis including members of the “European Liberation Movement” (translated into English), an organization that boasts of members in Germany and Italy. Lycul’s aggressive enthusiasm for action led him to commit numerous hate crimes including physically assaulting immigrants, spray painting swastikas on a cemetery, and planning to burn down a synagogue. On January 10, 2020, Lycul alerted the group chat that law enforcement had arrived at his home. He left the group chat and never returned.

Noah Lycul aka “buntovnik” encouraged us to identify him.

Noah Lycul aka “buntovnik” alerts the FKD chat that law enforcement is at his home

Noah Lycul aka “buntovnik” admits he spray painted swastikas on a cemetery in Croatia

Noah Lycul aka “buntovnik” discusses his plans to storm in and set fire to a synagogue
Relationship with the Base
“Commander” was in communication with Rinaldo Nazzaro (aka “Norman Spear,” aka “Roman Wolf”), the leader of another international neo-Nazi terror network called the Base. We have identified several members of FKD as current or former members of the Base. Because “Commander” was hostile to any FKD member who was cross-patched into other groups, many members kept their alliances secret from him. “Prometheus_88” and “ryanrrrr,” both current FKD members from New Jersey, were also members of the Base. Their regional comrade “det.som.engang.var.2” from New Hampshire, also a current FKD member, claims to have close ties to the Base. “Greg,” a former member of FKD from the Midwestern United States held membership in the Base, but left FKD in October of 2019. A member using the alias “sk14,” who resides in Finland, is a former FKD member and also held membership in the Base. Lastly, “Napola88,” who resides in Germany, is a current FKD and Base member.

“ryanrrr,” of New Jersey, asks for contact info for Francois Kemp aka “cempa” – a Base member living in South Africa. We exposed him last year.

“greg,” a neo-Nazi living in the Midwest of the USA mentions his networking with Nation of Islam

“sk14,” a 22 year old living in Finland, expresses his desire for direct action

“sk14,” a 22 year old living in Finland, views white supremacist and terrorist Timothy McVeigh as a model example

“Napola88” states his location in the FKD chat group
Relationship with Atomwaffen Division
Hardly anything can trigger Feuerkrieg Division members more than referring to the group as a spin off of the Atomwaffen Division. It is clear, however, that FKD was inspired by the US based group (as was the UK based Sonnenkrieg Division). Were it not for Atomwaffen Division, these two groups, and many others, might not exist in the form they became. One former FKD member living in the southern part of the USA (using the aliases “Erik” and “Iron”) claims to be a former Atomwaffen Division member. Two members, “Kasserine” (located in the Great Lakes region of the USA) and Wolfskampf (located in Germany) left Feuerkrieg Division under hostile circumstances to organize exclusively with Atomwaffen Division. A fourth member “dekkit” (aka “Drekkit,” aka “Mames Jason”) lives in Germany and has been tracked through his memberships with the Base, Feuerkrieg Division, and Atomwaffen Division. “Commander” never tolerated FKD members who were involved with Atomwaffen Division. Often, he was the last in the group to know and immediately kicked those members out.

“iron_2” aka “Erik” lives in the southern part of the USA and claims to be a former member of Atomwaffen Division

“Kasserine,” a FKD and AWD member located in the Great Lakes region of the USA. tries to persuade “Commander” to merge the two groups

“Wolfskampf,” a former FKD member and current AWD member, lives in Germany; he suggests targeting power plants

i m a g i n e
Merger Controversy
On August 1, 2019, a prominent Atomwaffen Division member using the pseudonym “Landser” initiated talks with “Commander” about Atomwaffen Division absorbing FKD’s American members. We now know that “Landser” was 18 year old Richard Tobin of Brooklawn, New Jersey. A “total merger,” Richard Tobin proposed. “Commander” shared screenshots of his conversation with Richard Tobin aka “Landser” in the Feuerkrieg Division group chat. Richard Tobin, supposedly on behalf of the Atomwaffen Division nucleus, proposed that AWD would: 1) Absorb FKD’s American members, while “Commander” would retain control over FKD’s European members. 2) Refer European applicants to AWD to FKD. 3) Send Atomwaffen Division patches and flags to FKD’s American members. “Commander” vehemently declined this offer.

Richard Tobin aka “Landser,” a spokesperson for Atomwaffen Divsion tries to negotiate a AWD-FKD merger
Antifascist Animosity
Needless to say, members of this neo-Nazi group also target antifascists like their friends in the Base. In the FKD chat, a German member of the group, who uses the alias “Heydrich” and “Reinhard,” shared a spreadsheet which he introduced as a hit list. This spreadsheet included the names, addresses, and other identifying information for individuals suspected as antifascists across many different countries. Antifascists are increasingly becoming a target for neo-Nazis as we have witnessed recently with the murder plot by Base members. Our research leads us to believe that there is an open investigation on “Heydrich”/”Reinhard.”

A German member of Feuerkrieg Division using the aliases “Heydrich” and “Reinhard” poses with his firearm

“Heydrich” aka “Reinhard” shares a hit list of antifascist names to the FKD chat
Ties to Law Enforcement
“DV” is a 16 year old Feuerkrieg Division member residing in England. Last September, he was arrested and is currently going through the court system. He is charged with terror offenses. We learn in the group’s chats that his 62 year old father, who was originally arrested with him, redpilled him. We also learn that “DV” has a source in the local police who might help him acquire firearms.
While law enforcement has, without a doubt, played a heavy hand in disrupting this network and others, we cannot rely on law enforcement alone to eradicate white supremacy or put an end to neo-Nazi activity and organizing. As the adage goes: Cops and Klan go hand in hand.

“DV” a 16 year old FKD member in England tells the group he has a source in the local police
A New Wave of Terror
Paramilitary neo-Nazi accelerationist groups are not new. Many groups idolize and praise those that came before. One of the most mentioned groups is Robert Jay Matthews’ Order. The Order arose in the post-Vietnam white power movement, an era marked by militarization and the onset of “leaderless resistance.” Similar to modern neo-Nazi groups’ relationship with James Mason’s Siege, The Order organized and followed The Turner Diaries, a fictional piece which advocates for a race war, overthrow of government, and eradication of non-whites in the USA. The Order organized paramilitary training camps, planned and carried out a murder of a radio talk show host who was Jewish, and funded their visions of a neo-Nazi insurrection with armored car robberies. Members of The Order pursued a Whites only enclave in the state of Washington; this effort is commonly referred to as the Northwest Territorial Imperative. Unlike The Order, the new wave of terror networks are dispersed geographically and are largely dependent on Internet organizing. These modern Siege centered neo-Nazi accelerationist cells, such as Feuerkrieg Division, require less commitment and buy-in from members. However, we have seen that these groups are more than capable of violence and murder. One might argue that today’s accelerationist cells are even more leaderless and act as a node for lone wolves which result in sporadic, random attacks. The new, internet dependent organizing chatroom tools serve as a pressure cooker for potential terrorists.

Members of Feuerkrieg Division liken their group to Robert Jay Matthews’ The Order.

In a Feuerkrieg Division aligned Telegram channel created by Dylan Daube, Dylan AKA “Totaler Kulturkrieg” says that only The Order is above FKD.
Follow the hashtag #FuKD as we continue to watch the implosion of this international neo-Nazi terror network. Endless gratitude to the numerous antifascists, anons, researchers, and journalists who aided in this effort.
Throughout this article, we frequently employ the term “terrorism” and “terrorist.” We would like to note that “terrorism” is defined by the state, and the language of terrorism has long been used to repress anarchists and others who actively question and threaten to upset capitalism and the settler-colonial State.