On Sunday, August 22, Proud Boys and other fascists gathered in an empty K-Mart parking lot in outer Northeast Portland for a hate rally. In the weeks leading up to the event, some of the alt-right organizers attempted to rebrand it, co-opting left wing symbols and slogans, claiming it was about “love” and “unity.” The rally was set for August 22 to mark the one year anniversary of the extremely violent “Say no to Marxism” rally. After local antifascist groups announced their plans to hold a counter-demonstration at Tom McCall Waterfront Park, the alt-right organizers pulled a last second location change, moving their rally away from the Waterfront and to one of the most racially diverse neighborhoods in all of Portland. The Proud Boys are an ultra nationalist street gang who have been designated as a terrorist entity in Canada and a hate group by the US based Southern Poverty Law Center. In the recent months, members of the Proud Boys and their supporters have begun to harass local school board members and educators as they push against safety measures schools are outlining to protect students and staff against the global pandemic of COVID19. We must guard against the escalation of threat the Proud Boys pose to our local communities. August 22 gives a glimpse of the violence the Proud Boys are prepared to unleash on our most vulnerable populations.
On the afternoon of August 22 in Portland, Oregon, a small group of antifascists recognized the threat posed by a large gathering of fascists in the Parkrose neighborhood and arrived to confront them. Even before the antifascists arrived, Proud Boys were harassing anti-racist activists and community members who had come to oppose them. A decommissioned ambulance that was being used in a medical capacity pulled into the parking lot to support the antifascists. The driver of the vehicle was instantly attacked by Proud Boys and other fascists, including Jeremy Wayne Roberts, and shot with paintballs from a dangerously close range. Later, the far-right crowd ransacked the vehicle, smashing windows and pushing it over. When the antifascist bloc reached the rally, Proud Boys opened fire with paintball guns and rushed towards the group with clubs. After multiple skirmishes, and a few new coats of paint on some Proud Boys, the antifascists retreated towards Parkrose High School. The Proud Boys followed, ambushing several vehicles that were sitting in the school parking lot. A pickup truck had its windows broken out and tires slashed. The man sitting in the pickup truck was viciously beaten, punched repeatedly, and bear sprayed by the Proud Boys. We now know the identity of the main attacker: Meet Miles Douglas Furrow, from Oregon City, OR.
Miles Douglas Furrow viciously beats an already badly injured man inside of a pickup truck.
Miles Douglas Furrow, born 2/15/1981, is a member of the PDX Proud Boys chapter, which is led by Daniel Tooze and Carl “Flip” Todd. Miles has longstanding connections to the Tooze family, including Daniel Tooze’s son, Daniel Tooze Jr. Although Miles told reporters that he lived “a half mile up the road” from the Parkrose rally, he actually lives in Oregon City, some twenty-odd miles away. He can be seen in videos threatening journalist Robert Evans, who was assaulted by Proud Boy Travis Taylor on August 22, 2020. Miles Furrow also attacked another vehicle, which was trying to drive away when the Proud Boys surrounded it and broke out the windows. Miles Douglas Furrow of Oregon City, unmasked in screenshots from the August 22, 2021 rally.
Miles Furrow attempts to break the window of a vehicle as it tries to leave the area.
We were able to identify Miles Furrow at other rallies that were attended by the Proud Boys. On May 1, 2021, Miles Furrow joined other Proud Boys in Salem for an unpermitted “Second Amendment” rally that shut down a local park. Later in May, Miles attended a flag wave event in Oregon City. In July, he was at another flag wave event in the Oak Grove area, wearing the Proud Boys’ staple gold and black Fred Perry. On August 21, the day before the major rally in Portland, Miles was in Sandy for a “Justice for Ashli Babbitt” themed pie eating contest hosted by the Proud Boys. Miles Douglas Furrow in Salem, OR for a Proud Boys rally on May 1, 2021.
Miles Furrow at the May Day rally in Salem (Left), and wearing the same hat in photos from social media (Right).
Miles Furrow at the Oregon City flag wave on May 21, 2021. Note the distinctive sleeve on his left arm, worn to cover tattoos.
Miles Douglas Furrow poses next to other Proud Boys after a flag wave event in Oak Grove on July 10, 2021. His tattoo is clearly visible.
Miles Douglas Furrow carries a Proud Boys flag in Sandy, OR.
Miles Douglas Furrow throws up the “OK” hand sign during a Proud Boys rally in Sandy, OR.
Miles Douglas Furrow holds a Proud Boys flag after a pie eating contest in Sandy, OR.
Proud Boys pose in front of their flag in Sandy, OR., the day before attacking Portlanders. Miles Douglas Furrow is circled, standing next to Eugene Proud Boy Jeffrey Mustin.
Miles Douglas Furrow is a member of a violent white supremacist hate group and is a danger to the community. His activities are supported by his wife, Aubrey Furrow. On Twitter, Aubrey has publicly defended the Proud Boys hate group. She is project system coordinator for Clackamas Federal Credit Union, contact them here. Aubrey Furrow supports the Proud Boys and her husband’s violence.
Clackamas Federal Credit Union employee Aubrey Furrow posts her support for the Proud Boys hate group on Twitter.
Miles Douglas Furrow was born on February 15, 1981. He currently lives at 19149 South End Road, Oregon City, Oregon, 97405. He drives a 2019 Ford F150 and also owns a 1995 Ford F350. The Furrow residence in Oregon City, OR.
Publicly available property records show that the property located at 19149 South End Road is owned by Miles and Aubrey Furrow.
Clear photos: Tattoos: Miles Douglas Furrow has distinctive tattoos on his left arm.
A heartfelt thanks to all the brave antifascists who showed up in Portland, Oregon on August 22, 2021 to counter the neo-fascist contingency that continues to show up in our towns to spread lies and hate, who aim to physically attack and kill us, who attempt to inject fear and division in our communities. Everyday antifascists: Stick together! Stay tight!
To donate to the pickup truck owner whose vehicle was demolished by the Proud Boys and whose passenger was assaulted by Miles Furrow, contribute at CashApp: $TruckGuy666. For the status of the GoFundMe fundraiser, check here. Please forward additional vetted fundraiser links and tips to: eugeneantifa [at] protonmail [dot] com.

Email: eugeneantifa [at] protonmail [dot] com